A Western World Order to Exterminate People

A Western World Order to Exterminate People
Zionists in the US represent about 2% of the population, yet, they have always occupied disproportionally higher number of positions (33% or more) in any Democratic or Republican Administrations. A Western World Order to Exterminate People

Among the many mentions of US Presidents and European leaders when they speak about the western civilization, nothing ever refers to a rules based Western world order whose goals are often to exterminate people. It’s the unspoken secret of the so-called Western Civilization. What they do to other people, within the context of the world order the West has envisioned for itself, says nothing about mass killings, exploitation, and abuse of other countries’ resources to advance the West’s agenda of supremacy.

That part of what defines the rules-based Western world order is usually left out from their explanation or discussion, but never from their diplomacy of violence with one aim: To submit countries to their self-interests. Even if that means genocidal intent.

Such is quite clear in Gaza today, where the United States and most of Europe are siding with Israel because it serves their short-term interests to exterminate the Palestinian people. Kill tens of thousands of Palestinians in order to teach the other four hundred million Arabs and Muslims what awaits them if they dare to free themselves from their political and economic shackles.

This is the real Gaza message behind the U.S. visible intentions.

In today’s modern western civilization, words almost never match the deeds. They call it diplomacy, but the rest of the world calls it unconscionable deceitfulness.


Part of the world order the west has defined are a set of treaties, U.N. Resolutions, agreements, conventions, and covenants. All designed to show the so-called enlightened nature of the oppressors as it oppresses violently.

But all those hollow words are becoming ever so clear for the majority of the populations in our planet. What is good for the gander is certainly not good for the goose. How we advance Ukrainian human rights is the exact opposite of how we advance the Palestinian human rights. Invariably, how this looks seems not to matter for the moment, until the hypocrisy stirs the masses towards blowing up the Western world order that is neither orderly nor worldly.

In fact, that rules based world order serves only the west, and the rest of the countries are just servants to its demands. Even when sometimes the same perpetrators feign offense to the extermination of the Palestinians, they keep shipping weapons to carry out that extermination. Their weapons are unstoppable, and their words are unconvincing.

In today’s modern western civilization, words almost never match the deeds. They call it diplomacy, but the rest of the world calls it unconscionable deceitfulness.

Remember when a high level European official called the ICC prosecutor Karim Khan and told him that Europe created the ICC to pursue African leaders and people like Putin, and not western-backed countries or allies?

That typifies the western rules-based world order in its entirety.

BRICS countries do not start wars, or bomb other countries, or exterminate people.


No empire has ever survived its bad deeds and actions. Neither the U.S. nor Europe are exempt from that reality. Not in today’s modern world, where every detail is archived. Because the West is adamant about forcing the submittal of Russia, China, and Iran, the latter, along with India, Brazil, and South Africa, are responding to the challenge of the west. How? By forming and joining their own rules-based world order, they named BRICS.

Since its start in 2009, BRICS has metastasized into a force to reckon with. Its members today produce 44% of crude oil and represents almost 50% of the world population. What separates BRICS from the U.S. and Europe approach to their own world order exterminating people is its desire to work with and respect the Southern Hemisphere countries, which the West has targeted for exploitation.

Today, BRICS’ aim is economic, but we suspect with that kind of critical mass, it will turn political soon enough to challenge the U.S. and Europe. Some 60 countries have asked to join BRICS. Some, like Turkey, is a NATO country.

Are these the first signs of an empire declining? Yes, they are. The U.S. can try to start wars, through their proxies, against China, or try to bring a revolution to Iran, again, unsuccessfully. The momentum, however, is too great for the U.S. to stop BRICS+ nations from gaining traction.

A side note for BRICS’ success? BRICS countries do not start wars, or bomb other countries, or exterminate people. They see the opportunities as far greater for all concerned if they mutually cooperate with the smallest nations for the BRICS world order to succeed.

Say adios to the Western world order, whose aims have been and always will be to exterminate people.

A Western World Order to Exterminate People

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