Adopt the Israeli Notion of Coexistence

Adopt the Israeli Notion of Coexistence

The Israelis, whom the Arabs have been waging a war against, understand this powerful notion that coexistence is essential to peace. That without tolerance, despite the religious and often the race differences – Ashkenazi Jews as opposed to indigenous Ismaeli Arabs – neither the Arabs, nor the Israelis will ever find the common ground to strike a real peace. This notion brings us here to America where, given the anger dividing us apart, maybe we should adopt the Israeli notion of coexistence and tolerance in order to share the future. Both have been in very short supplies of late. They are the only antidotes to Trumpism.

On one side, the White Supremacists are pressing ahead with a conspiratorial theory of the Great Replacement, and on the other, more liberal and Progressives Americans believe the future is theirs because the U.S. Caucasian demographics are changing rapidly due to crashing birth rates.

If we fail to heal our differences, America will never be great again. That’s a fact. Between fascism or an apartheid-like system of government, the United States will eventually fall.


The truth, really, one can find in the same Israeli perspective of how to achieve peace. It lies in the notion of coexistence. A mental place where all Americans share in making this country great. Sharing means that the White Supremacists must abandon the idea that this country belongs to them, and the Progressives must accept that some of the policies that made this country great in the first place must continue. That drastic and dramatic revisions of the American post WWII capitalism may not be in our national interests – Post WWII as opposed to the lawless capitalism President Ronald Reagan unleashed on the middle class.

But how do you bridge the gap between two tribes each believing the other tribe is seeking its own supremacy, continued or rising, over the other tribe? How can Americans, despite Trump, bypass his divisiveness? The answer lies in each tribe coming to the same conclusion as the Israelis have. That only through coexistence, tolerance, and compromise can this nation rise again to meet the challenges of those intent on breaking it apart.

If we fail to heal our differences, America will never be great again. That’s a fact. Between fascism or an apartheid-like system of government, the United States will eventually fall.

Today, unfortunately, the words “coexistence” and “tolerance” have been abandoned in favor of “civil war” and “open racism”.

Why would white racist men even consider the Israeli coexistence model?


The White Supremacists in the GOP are on a war path to contain minority voters in order to retain power. Election denialism is but a reflection of discontent over the Catholics and the Jews taking control of both the Executive and the Legislative branches of the U.S. Government. Many White Anglo-Saxon Protestants have lost their minds ever since President Joe Biden, a Catholic, was elected President.

Had they denied Donald Trump a win in 2016, maybe this country would be in a better place today. For many non-sectarian Americans, “any President but Donald Trump” became their rallying cry.

But instead of throwing Trump and his ugly history into the garbage bin, the GOP is doubling down on Trumpism. This new cult party sees in his divisiveness the excuse to retain power at all costs in the future. There is no shared vision of coexistence and no intent on relinquishing their racist dominion over this nation.

In other words, why would white racist men even consider the Israeli coexistence model? They refuse to coexist with blacks, Jews, or Catholics, let alone share power with them to make America great.

Adopt the Israeli Notion of Coexistence

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