AIPAC Owns Joe Biden

AIPAC Owns Joe Biden
AIPAC Owns Joe Biden

Seeing how Biden is refusing to abide by international laws and the will of his Arab American constituents on Gaza, as well as prioritizing sending weapons to Israel, it is safe to declare that AIPAC owns Joe Biden. Whatever AIPAC wants, AIPAC gets. Even if that means Joe Biden might lose in 2024, or Putin might invade all of Ukraine. How else anyone could interpret his stubbornness, and shooting himself in the foot in front of the whole world?

How else can one assimilate all the negative repercussions of his policy on Gaza and not come to the same conclusion? Because of AIPAC, the United States is starting a war with Yemen.

Joe Biden is a walking disaster, and this is why AIPAC trusts him. AIPAC can bend him like a rubber band, and he will never break. Exactly the kind of men the conniving, scheming, conspiring, and violent Zionists want in the White House.

AIPAC has already donated over $4m to Biden’s campaign, which will surely double or triple by November 2024. As a token of his goodwill towards Israeli violence against women and children. The more money AIPAC contributes to Biden, the better their message of “you do as told, we will reward you.

AIPAC, a foreign entity committed to the expansion of Israel by stealing Palestinian lands, could not care less about what might happen to the U.S. in Yemen, Ukraine, or possibly Taiwan.


The U.S. Navy destroyed 3 Houthi boats attacking a ship heading to Israel. Not one of these attacks killed anyone on-board the merchant ships, yet, the United States just killed 11 Houthis who are trying to protect other Muslims Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden are mass murdering in Gaza.

Will this open a new front? Is AIPAC dragging the United States to send its children to die for Israel? We believe AIPAC is just the kind of evil organization to plan for such an outcome.

There is a long game at play here in which the trio of China, Russia, and Iran might be pulling its strings. Remember that the U.S. has been shipping projectiles, missiles, and munitions to Ukraine for over two years. Now, it is doing the same for Israel. Should the Houthis open a third front, how could the U.S. keep up with production and our Navy always on high alert?

Furthermore, would China see an opportunity to invade Taiwan seeing that the U.S. is embroiled into two wars simultaneously? Thus, opening multi-fronts against the United States that would either push it to the limit or, worse even, force a resounding defeat? Remember that U.S. enemies in the BRICS+ nations group are China, Russia, and Iran. If each conspired to open a war front on the United States, then Houston, we have a problem.

Incidentally, don’t expect Biden to fully grasp that possibility. His naps are too long to figure it out.

While AIPAC, a foreign entity committed to the expansion of Israel by stealing Palestinian lands, could not care less about what might happen to the U.S. in Yemen, Ukraine, or possibly Taiwan.

As long as Biden keeps protecting Israeli interests first.

AIPAC Owns Joe Biden

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