American Jews Collaborating with Trumpism is Judenrat in Disguise

American Jews Collaborating with Trumpism is Judenrat in Disguise
Is the first person on the left a relative to Jared Kushner?

Many Jews and Jewish organizations across Europe collaborated with Nazi Germany against their own self-interests. Whether to appease, or to survive, the practice, which was most visible by the Jewish Councils (Judenrat) Germany installed to police Jewish ghettos and concentration camps, drew much criticism later after the dust settled. Those councils, and other collaborators, remind this author of today’s American Jews collaborating with Trumpism as Judenrat in disguise; just as some of the Jews collaborated with Nazism.

No distinction. Especially when you see people wearing “Camp Auschwitz” T-shirts storming the Capitol with financial backing of a President the late American Jewish icon Sheldon Adelson provided. Speaking of irony.

Trump supporters and most ardent backers are racist xenophobe and Jew haters of the first order. Just ask Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene if she would be willing to pray in a Synagogue with Jewish American families. The best trap to filter the rats from the rabbits.

And not even the openly Jew hating Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is convincing enough for these idiots to abandon Trump.


There is a compelling story here to tell you.

During WWII, a Greek Jew by the name of Vital Hasson sent Greek Jews, and even his own relatives, to Auschwitz. Last year, The Times of Israel published a story about that dark history in which Sarah Abrevaya Stein wrote:

Hasson became intoxicated by a populist regime and chose to be swept up by its violence, its false promises, its hatred. He used a position of power to degrade the vulnerable. He was publicly denounced by family for his excesses. After World War II, Hasson was the only Jew in all of Europe to be tried and executed by a state, Greece, for collaborating with the Nazi occupiers. The Times of Israel - Sarah Abrevaya Stein

Intoxicated by a populist regime … swept up by its violence … false promises … hatred.

If this does not describe Trumpism, nothing does. Trump has that impact on some American Jews who refuse to abandon his personae, or policies. And not even the openly Jew hating Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is convincing enough for these idiots to abandon Trump.

Trump’s Kristallnacht has failed. It turned out that American democracy is more resilient than a bunch of depraved and barbaric animals storming its symbol of democracy. Nonetheless, the danger of Trump is still lurking because there are more White Supremacists in Congress than many of us believed or expected. Their hate oozing out of their eyes towards any race, religion, and skin color other than theirs. To include American Jews, which may not yet fully feel the danger, but it will come sooner or later as history has taught us if they don’t unite to defeat Trumpism now crawling out of its crib.

So many in history tried to destroy the Jews only to fail again and again. And while Hitler came close, don’t let a con man like Trump achieve the impossible.


Hitler began by prosecuting the Jews first. Trump began with the Blacks in America by unleashing the police on them. But second on his list are those Marjorie and her ilk hate the most: the Jews. Why is Trump not attacking the Jews now?

For one, he needs them to raise money and contribute to his campaigns to keep the GOP in-line with his deranged goals. This mean he needs to stay patient until he runs for office the second time. If Trump succeeds, he will come after Jewish businesses, companies, homes, and families. Don’t you dare say “What about Jared ..?” If by now, you still think he cares about people, it’s on you. Blame yourself when you find Trump attacking the Jews for a very simple excuse: The sane majority voted for Joe Biden.

Just as Hitler wrongly blamed them for avoiding military service in WWI. That was his excuse to gas and burn 6 million innocent souls. Including women and children.

I say, stand-up to Trump now before it’s too late. Coalesce and plan to defeat him.

So many in history tried to destroy the Jews only to fail again and again. And while Hitler came close, don’t let a con man like Trump achieve the impossible. Abandon him today and fight for our American democracy. This is our fight as much as it is yours.

Stephen Miller is the Vital Hasson of the 21st century. Implacable and unapologetic even though his boss is backing openly antisemitic racists. American Jews like Miller are the useful idiots Trump is relying upon just as Nazi Germany relied on the Judenrat to control Jewish uprisings against oppression.

American Jews Collaborating with Trumpism is Judenrat in Disguise

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