Ask any American how many West or Southwest Asian countries exist in the world and they would stumble or guess without a clue. To be honest, I did not know it either until I looked it up. Why is this important? Because targeting Asian-Americans due to COVID is as infantile and as ignorant as targeting every American for drunk driving. Are racist white men genetically deformed when white hate manifests itself in Georgia with the deliberate murder of eight people, six of whom are Asian-American women.
There is no limit to the white man hate and bigotry, and until we call them each time, this country is doomed as demographics tilt towards more minorities, whom, I guess, will not be so tolerant as the white haters think they would be. In other words, it’s up to responsible men and women of this great nation to start taking white hate seriously. To punish haters the way they punished black Americans for simply existing. It’s about time.
What’s worst is how the Sheriff’s department immediately sprang into action to dehumanize Asian-American women and to feel sympathy for the mass murderer Robert Long by citing his “bad day”. Not one word of compassion for the victims from another law enforcement white man showing his true colors on national TV.
I am starting to believe that some white men in this country carry a deformed gene that justifies their racist rationality.
Are some white men genetically deformed? I believe so because their hate is irrational.
One of the most dynamic and hard working ethnic group in America are Asian-Americans. They go about their business with vigor and purpose. Most of them are successful business people who work around the clock, pay their taxes, and never bother anyone. Yet, even though they are the perfect immigrants, white nationalists cannot help but hate them for their industry and entrepreneurship. Are racist white men genetically deformed? I believe so because their hate is irrational.
We need Congress to fund many independent studies to highlight their inherent inferiority.
They are the ones who injected organized racism in every aspect of our society. They are the slave owners who went to war just for the right to own another human being. This angle is enough to realize their genetic deformity is real.
There are over 20 million Asian-Americans in America. In 15 years since 2000, their numbers grew by 72% making them the fastest growing ethnic group. And although the COVID virus complicated and exasperated matters for their communities, to blame them for something they had no role in creating shows the savagery of some of these deformed white men. The wild west principles still apply across this country, which one can summarize into few words: Blame it on anyone even if wrong. This is the barbarity of the white racist men, many of whom are serving in Congress today. Just ask the genetically inferior Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, and Mel Brooks.
And if you think someone is not already concocting ways to make Long’s journey through the Georgia justice system as comfortable as possible, you don’t know racism.
As we all know, the laws that don’t apply to the white racist men apply to everyone else. To have a jury in Georgia indict a white man for killing non-whites is an uphill battle. That battle has already started when the Sheriff’s department sided with the mass murder “bad day” as a reflection of their empathy. That same department followed Robert Long and brought him back alive even though he carried a weapon and the police considered him dangerous. Do you think the same would have happened to a black man?
Georgia must not skirt the law to try and save a mass murderer white racist man from the death penalty. Otherwise, you are going to have 20 million Asian-Americans flood the streets of our cities just as Black Lives Matter did after the deliberate murder of George Floyd.
And if you think someone is not already concocting ways to make Long’s journey through the Georgia justice system as comfortable as possible, you don’t know racism. The important thing is that we get 12 jurors, not exactly of his genetically deformed peers, but jurors who will administer the full extent of the law upon a mass murderer regardless of their color or ethnicity.
I am not that hopeful in that regard. Georgia is a state trying to suppress the voters of theirĀ minorities as I write this. Just to steal the elections in 2022 and 2024.
What else can one expect from the deformity of its white racist men but hate and bigotry?