Biden Condemns Breaking a Window, Not Killing Children

Biden Condemns Breaking a Window, Not Killing Children
Biden Condemns Breaking a Window, Not Killing Children

This is how sick our country has become when our politicians remain silent during an Israeli genocide of Palestinians that has deliberately murdered 15,000 children. Yet, we are quick to stand against students exercising their birthright to free speech. We did not have to wait long before our octogenarian President weighed in on the student protests ravaging universities across the globe. Biden condemns breaking a window during students protests entering Hind Hall in Columbia, but he never, not once, uttered one word to condemn Israeli mass murder of innocent women and children in Gaza.

This is how sick our society has become because of Israel’s influence and the Zionists buying our politicians for a few thousands of dollars. The colonialist political establishment has not lost a step since 1492, even though it was the target of British colonialism itself.

In Biden’s world, a student breaking a window to enter a hall is worse than Israelis committing genocide against the people of Palestine.


Every move Joe Biden has initiated since October 7 points to one indelible truth. Joe Biden is a moderate President Martin Luther King warned us about when he declared:

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice […]Bustle by Mehreen Kasana - January 15, 2018

MLK has proved himself to be a true visionary as the world watches Joe Biden supposed moderate politics and liberalism turn Gaza into an open cemetery. The more Biden ignores the plight of the Palestinians, the more he shows his racism and bigotry. He does not deserve another four years, under which Americans will see more violence and death.

In Biden’s world, a student breaking a window to enter a hall is worse than Israelis committing genocide against the people of Palestine. This is how depraved Joe Biden has become, and this is how far he sank as Gaza tested his leadership, which he failed miserably.

This power, if manipulated properly, can yield a singular supreme power the likes of which we see in Russia, or Iran.


To the outside world, it has become clear who really controls the United States of America. That detail, though, hides a far more sinister goal the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants may be planning to keep dominion over the empire no matter the US changes in demography.

Today, Israel is using the United States, but in reality, the United States is using Israel and AIPAC. Both have almost a total blanket bi-partisan control over Congress, which affords them to pass authoritarian laws the regular establishment cannot muster. Republican and Democrats feud. But AIPAC has no foe to feud with. It reigns supreme over Congress, which is as despotic as any undemocratic nation.

This power, if manipulated properly, can yield a singular supreme power the likes of which we see in Russia, or Iran.

But that’s for another blog to explain.

Today, Israel is in control because the establishment wants it to have that control. In return for having a free hand to torture and kill Palestinians as Israel pleases.

Biden Condemns Breaking a Window, Not Killing Children

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