You cannot invent this, nor have the imagination to picture it. As Biden readies to exit the White House, he is trying to take credit for the Gaza ceasefire, even though he had every opportunity in the last 470 days to strike such an agreement and failed so miserably. Biden last gasp of mediocrity is his worst yet, as he spins his genocidal legacy into statesmanship full of accomplishments. The Gaza ceasefire he claims he imposed on Israel was really engineered by Donald Trump. There is no amount of spin or false claims that can erase the weakness he demonstrated when he failed to control Benjamin Netanyahu and the right extremists in Israel.
In less than a week, Trump showed the world how weak Biden was and how incompetent his administration has been.
Biden proved himself to be as useful as a tail on a Neanderthal man when it comes to foreign policy. The worst President this country has had in modern time is still trying to rob humanity of its morality.
Biden lost the Democrats the elections in 2024 no matter how much he spins fairy his tales. Maybe this Biden last gasp, attempting to take credit for the Gaza ceasefire, is an effort to write a history he no longer controls, and cannot possibly own or be proud of.
Fellow readers, before us stands the despicable Joe Biden, who is an utterly shameless human being.
There is no way in hell that Democrats do not see the damage he has done to their brand. Nonetheless, loyalists, like David Axelrod, are coming to his defense using wet keg powder to fire their last shots of admiration for a man the country has rejected totally.
In fact, a YouGov survey demonstrated that the top reason why Kamala Harris lost in 2024 had to do with Gaza. You can’t take the money of Jewish billionaires, campaign on their terms, and expect the public opposing the genocide in Gaza to vote for you.
Maybe, this is the first time in election history when a single important issue that had nothing to do with the economy won over money. To say that 2028 is going to be quite interesting is an understatement. The same voters who flexed their muscles in 2024 will be doing it again in 2028 to impose their agenda instead of the one Jewish billionaires will. No politician is about to forget the Gaza sting in the 2024 elections.
Potentially, Gaza has begun an American revolution that would eventually lead to the public denying the politicians the power that serves very little the public interests. Perhaps Gaza is a wake-up call for other urgent matters so far the political establishment has denied addressing them, and which will become “Gaza” matters in 2028.
Let’s hope so. Americans must rescind the power of dictating our foreign policy from the Zionist billionaires, and the power of dictating our domestic policies from the power of corrupt and lawless corporations. Most of which, their greed is destroying the middle class in the U.S.
We have to take control of our country, and maybe the way Joe Biden and Antony Blinken handled Gaza has started it all.