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Genocidal Netanyahu
258 posts
Just imagine the gall these Zionists have. They activate an Israeli false flag operation that killed only Arabs…
Most Moral Army Shoots Children in the Head
Head to CBS Morning News to watch Mark Perlmutter describe how, as a surgeon who volunteered to help…
ICJ Ruled For Palestinian Statehood
Not that it took a genius to know about all the illegal trespasses of the Zionist entity it…
If Little Yemen Can Hit Tel Aviv, Imagine What Iran Can Do
In an escalation between Israel and the countries siding with resistance to its occupation of Arab lands, Yemen…
The Zionist Holly Grail of Benjamin Netanyahu
There is ample evidence, almost nine months into one of the most one-sided destructive wars the Middle East…
The Moral Bankruptcy of Biden and Netanyahu
As the U.S. and Israel starve deliberately the Palestinians of Gaza to death, it is important to never…
Israel Has Murdered Six Times More Palestinians
In eight months of incessant bombings, Israel has murdered six times more Palestinians than previously known, now believed…
The Most Evil Man in the World
Some Western historians might argue that Adolf Hitler was an evil humanity could do without, and some might…
The Israeli Messianic Ultra-Right Needs a Thrashing
Consider this absurdity. Israelis cannot protect north Israel from Hezbollah’s rockets and drones, yet the extremists in Israel…
Witless Schumer Invited Netanyahu to Criticize Biden
Considering how many times Benjamin Netanyahu has criticized Joe Biden over the last few weeks, it is becoming…