Countries Should Start Banning Israelis

Countries Should Start Banning Israelis
Pro-Israel Protesters, Violently Attacking Peaceful Pro-Palestinian Protesters. Countries Should Start Banning Israelis

The little island paradise of the Maldives took a bold step in the right direction when it banned all Israelis from entering their country. After watching the horrors Israel is perpetrating against the Palestinian people, its government demonstrated the courage that many western countries lack the political will to demonstrate. We believe all peaceful countries should start banning Israelis, to start with Ireland, Spain, and Norway who just recognized the country of Palestine.

These Israeli killers serving in the IDF will be the first to attack people protesting against Israel abroad, as we all witnessed during the UCLA encampment. There are already hundreds of videos of small attacks that dual U.S.-Israeli citizens, some who already served in Gaza, perpetrated against innocent and peaceful protesters.

Ban Israelis from ever visiting your country because it is a question of time before they also violently attack your citizens if they disagree with Israel.

Their violence will not abet or stop in Palestine.


Genocidal maniacs with dual citizens who served in the Israeli army as reservists are returning to their native countries (i.e., U.S., U.K., France, etc.) without answering for their crimes. These mass killers will be riding the metro next to you, walking among you, and working where you work.

All the 153 countries that voted for a ceasefire at the United Nations in December 2023, should consider banning Israelis from their territories. Their brutality is not normal, and every country has the right to protect their citizens from these brutish psychos.

There is no better way for a country to stand against genocide, be it of Palestinians or any other nationality, than to ban the citizens of the country committing genocide. It is the ultimate peaceful gesture that will spread real peace.

Not only the banning country would be standing by the rule of law and international human rights, but it would be protecting the rules-based order western civilization has, because of Israel, buried under the Gaza rubble. Banning Israelis is tantamount to protecting humanity.

Israel is a European invention and one of the most violent settler colonies the world has ever known. Almost in line with what King Leopold II of Belgium did to the people of Congo beginning 1884-1885. What the world is discovering, unlike other colonies who submitted, is that the Palestinians are going to resist by any means possible, which explains Netanyahu’s extreme violence.

That genocidal maniac of European origins believes he can kill all resistance in the future if he destroyed Gaza and killed its women and children. This is the reason countries should start banning Israelis. Their violence will not abet or stop in Palestine. They will also attack anyone outside Israel who refuses to accept their brutality.

Countries Should Start Banning Israelis

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