Guess Who is Laughing All the Way to Novo-Ogaryevo?

Guess Who is Laughing All the Way to Novo-Ogaryevo

When you step back to look at our country’s state of affairs, besides questioning how we got here in so little time, we must also ask the question of who, besides the Fuhrer himself, got us here. What happened to create this sudden political and societal upheaval in such a short period of time. We were all fine back in 2015. No one was expressing public outrage or hate at anyone, and the white supremacists and the Nazis kept their heads low and out of the limelight. Then all that changed when Donald Trump came to power. That said, guess who is laughing all the way to Novo-Ogaryevo, his official Moscow residence? It’s none other than Vladimir Putin of Russia. He happens to be the architect behind our turmoil that has spilled into other areas of our society, and well beyond his expectations.

This is not to say he is responsible for our societal ills. After all racism and the very wealthy abusing America is part of our history and even DNA. But the Russian leader took advantage of our racial and income inequality dormant division lines to start a national social riot, which spilled later into the violence of January 6.

Putin, through Trump, exposed our Achilles’ Heel, which in effect helped the racist buoyancy to surface, empowered the Nazis to demonstrate and publicly kill the innocent (i.e. Kyle Rittenhouse and James Alex Fields Jr.), and helped sow the conspiracy theories among those Americans most vulnerable to its poison; mostly because of their mental illnesses.

What started as a campaign to install Donald Trump as the Russian Trojan Horse to break this country apart has turned into a wildly successful campaign to shatter our nation’s societal order.


In economics, the Multiplier Theory dictates that one change in one variable can cause change across other components in that variable. We, as a country, are experiencing this multiplier effect today that Putin sparked through Trump.

Take, for example, the effect of the QAnon conspiracy theorists on the COVID vaccination drive. One impacted and even spilled into the other. The same can be said of angry Trump supporters who truly believe the Democrats stole the elections and now are refusing to wear masks.

The Multiplier Theory will continue to impact us in ways that we still cannot predict. So, guess who is laughing all the way to Novo-Ogaryevo?

What started as a campaign to install Donald Trump as the Russian Trojan Horse to break this country apart has turned into a wildly successful campaign to shatter our nation’s societal order. As the multiplier effect moves horizontally across many social variables, it will multiply and re-generate more problems, more conspiracies, and more political, economic, and racial divisions.

Nonetheless, the Party of Trump remains loyal to the Russian leader because their racism trumps their rationality. Go figure those WASP’s.

On a side note, who empowered Putin but President Obama? Obama permitted him to spread his wings when he refused to interfere into his annexation of the Crimea by sending weapons to the Ukrainian army?


Lurking not far behind are the “Replacement Theorists” acting up, the religious extremists enacting more fanatic laws, and a myriad of other multipliers intended to create more chaos. Vladimir Putin and his clueless agent Donald Trump are not done with us yet.

On a side note, who empowered Putin but President Obama? Obama permitted him to spread his wings when he refused to interfere into his annexation of the Crimea by sending weapons to the Ukrainian army? We should have armed the Ukrainians to take back their country. That would have stopped Putin in his track, and history would have recorded that Hillary Clinton won the 2016 elections.

Prior to that move, Putin was just a nuisance of a dictator. Unfortunately, Obama’s lack of foreign policy experience turned a nuisance into the most dangerous threat to this country’s constitutionality.

The best move President Biden can make is to appoint Rep. Liz Cheney as our Secretary of State. She will come up with a plan to save us from both [Trump and Putin].


When the Soviet Union began to disintegrate in 1988, which culminated in the Berlin Wall falling, Vladimir Putin was a young KGB agent. He saw first-hand the impact it caused on his country, and the humiliation his proud countrymen endured. Today, every policy Putin implements is to restore the old Soviet glory and power, but also to punish the United States for pushing the Soviet to the edge of the abyss.

As far as he is concerned, his endgame is to disintegrate the United States the way it disintegrated the Soviet Union. And so far, it seems he is on his way to succeed wildly. President Biden, of all people, has not responded well to the threat of Donald Trump. This is helping Putin achieve his goals.

Guess who is laughing all the way to his dacha on the outskirts of Moscow?

Today, America is a sitting duck for Putin. We know very little about what goes on behind the scene at Homeland Security to defend our interests. But from where many of us are sitting, it seems Putin is winning big time. It seems that he has little to fear from an American retaliation of some sort.

Why? Because the same people who drew a red line on Syria then did nothing as the Syrian regime trampled it are today running our foreign policy. Call them appeasers or apologists, the fact remains that all of them tiptoe around serious dangers unwilling to risk their political careers for some bold action to save us from Trump and Putin.

The best move President Biden can make is to appoint Rep. Liz Cheney as our Secretary of State. She will come up with a plan to save us. After all, she is invested in the tragedies of both men big time.

Guess Who is Laughing All the Way to Novo-Ogaryevo?

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