If Little Yemen Can Hit Tel Aviv, Imagine What Iran Can Do

If Little Yemen Can Hit Tel Aviv, Imagine What Iran Can Do
If Little Yemen Can Hit Tel Aviv, Imagine What Iran Can Do

In an escalation between Israel and the countries siding with resistance to its occupation of Arab lands, Yemen dropped a big surprise on the largest city in Israel. Yemen attack in Tel Aviv, which hit a building, killing one Israeli and injuring several more. The question every Israeli must ask themselves, especially those extremists who have been celebrating the Genocide in Gaza, is the following: If little Yemen can hit Tel Aviv, just imagine for a moment what big Iran can do to Israel, its people, its economy, and its fledgling and divided society.

Get the picture yet?

It matters little how many defenses Israel builds around the country, there is a limit to those defenses intercepting hundreds or thousands of missiles and drones fired simultaneously against the country. In the case of the Yemeni drone, Yemen fired 4 drones and one missile. Incidentally, the U.S. intercepted four out of five, which represents a gargantuan 20% success rate by the Yemenis.

Now, we may understand, upon the June 2024 recent visit of Yoav Gallant to the Pentagon, why the United States had to explain to Israel that a war with Hezbollah will end up in its own annihilation. Little Yemen, folks. Little Yemen hits Tel Aviv.

If that’s not a shot in the arm of every resistant group in the region, then we are fools to ignore this momentous event, which Israel is downplaying. For once, Israel looks as vulnerable as Gaza, and its people are as good a target as the people of Gaza have been to the Israeli Occupation Forces.

Israel asked for it, and Israel got what it deserves, although we believe civilians are never legitimate targets.

Finally, we are witnessing a point in which the United States and Israel have little say in who decides to end the Genocide in Gaza.


You can rest assured that the hundreds of engineers behind the Iron Dome and the Patriot defense missiles are scratching their heads trying to figure out a foolproof defensive scheme to the danger of drones and missiles. Many of which are able to escape their defense. There is no rest for those miserable souls until they find a technological solution, which, by the time it is deployed, Iran would probably have created an effective countermeasure.

In other words, the message to Benjamin Netanyahu and his ilk is that Israel has no choice but to strike peace with the Palestinians and yield to the 1967 borders. Or, else …

Now that Yemen has been emboldened by its success, we expect two things to happen.

1) The US and the UK are going to increase the number of their bombing sorties against the country, which might stir Hezbollah to increase the number of its attacks to cover all of Israel.

2) Yemen will also start bombing more cities and more sensitive sites inside Israel to drive home the point that Netanyahu has no choice but to end his campaign of terror in Gaza.

Finally, we are witnessing a point in which the United States and Israel have little say in who decides to end the Genocide in Gaza. Even if that means a lone shooter finds Netanyahu’s head.

If Little Yemen Can Hit Tel Aviv, Imagine What Iran Can Do

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