If Putin is Asking to Negotiate, It’s Time To Press On

If Putin is Asking to Negotiate, It's Time To Press On
If Putin is Asking to Negotiate, It’s Time To Press On

To understand the pressure the war criminal Vladimir Putin is under right now, because of his illegal war against the Ukraine, you have to read the dispatches the Institute for the Study of War publishes on a daily basis to highlight the conduct of the war. Needless to say that Russia is suffering a tremendous toll with regard to human life and materials. So much so that Putin may be asking to negotiate over the Ukraine, which is exactly the time to press on with the war to completely force all Russian troops out of the country.

In a TV appearance on Rossiya 1, a state-owned apparatus, Putin told the audience:

We are ready to negotiate with everyone involved about acceptable solutions, but that is up to them – we are not the ones refusing to negotiate, they are.CNBC - December 25, 2022

To many, this sounds like Putin is desperate. With statements accusing the other side’s refusal to negotiate, his aim is really to appease the Russian people because he knows the war is going badly and that tens of millions of citizens may be beginning to stir.

In reality, though, and according to ISW, Putin was not seeking any negotiations. Nonetheless, negotiations or not, we must just press on until we destroy his regime of terror.

Will Iran ask Russia to break away from its tacit agreement with the Israelis to turn a blind eye to Israeli attacks on Iranian missiles convoys to Syria?


Considering how badly the war is going for Russia, Putin is relying on alliances with countries like Iran, Belarus, and more recently North Korea to keep his conveyor belt of much needed weaponry rolling. But that usually comes at a steep price. Not in terms of paying for the weapons Russia purchases, but in terms of demands Iran and North Korea might extract from Putin as a gesture of goodwill.

What did Putin promise Iran and North Korea in return for entering a war the West is fighting?

Will Iran ask Russia to break away from its tacit agreement with the Israelis to turn a blind eye to Israeli attacks on Iranian missiles convoys to Syria? Is this the reason why Israel has refused providing the Iron Dome to Ukraine? Will North Korea seek the technology it is missing for its ICBM program in return for assistance on the battlefield?

Any way you slice the cooperation of these rogue nations, one cannot but anticipate the worst developments. Not only terrorist nations find solace and acceptance among their own, but their cooperation enhances their danger. Anyone doubting Iran is learning fast how to modify its drones to be more lethal after using Ukraine as its own test theater against live civilian targets?

This argument provides the West with the determination for continuity to defeat Putin for good. In addition to destroying the Iranian drone program.

The West cannot rest until Putin is six feet under, and Ukraine represents our chance to dig his grave.


It should be good news for Europe and the United States that Vladimir Putin is now seeking negotiations over the Ukraine. Of course, one might argue this is a ruse to appease the restless at home. Even if that’s true, the Kremlin has other means to appease using the Milbloggers, or the many media outlets the Russian government controls.

We believe Putin is hurting. We believe this is the time to press on to cause his demise. Because if we don’t, he will come back again ten years from now having learned from his earlier mistakes.

The West cannot rest until Putin is six feet under, and Ukraine represents our chance to dig his grave.

If Putin is Asking to Negotiate, It’s Time To Press On

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