Israel is Devoid of Any Morality

Israel is Devoid of Any Morality
Israel is Devoid of Any Morality

Not only did the Zionists steal lands that did not belong to them — under their logic, the native Indians should bomb the European settlers back to Europe –, but they are also practicing a form of genocide humanity never witnessed before. Most of it is streaming on our smartphones and TV’s. Israel is devoid of any morality that holds people, countries, and civilizations together in a union of convenient coexistence and sustainable instincts for survival.

Israel is so out of touch with what every human expects from a country’s behavior on this planet, it is hard to make the argument that it should exist at all. In fact, Israel is a beast that exudes danger for all humanity as it tests our patience to let it exist in its present form.

In the last 5 days alone, Israel has killed 70 Palestinian children through a variety of methods. Bombing them, burning them, forcing them to die from cold, or starving them to death. In fact, there is no illegal method of killing children Israel has not employed yet, except outright gassing them. This is how barbaric, under the Netanyahu government, Israel has become. Yet, the U.S. and the EU seem fine with Israel mass murdering women and children, as if in agreement with Israel’s savagery.

Western civilization, or shall we call it Western abomination? History is not going to be kind to the likes of Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu and their genocide of Palestinians.

Their history, or some else’s history.

Shame on all those who are turning a blind eye to the immorality of Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israel is Devoid of Any Morality

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