Ivy Schools Should Ignore Ed Blum Threats

Ivy Schools Should Ignore Ed Blum Threats
Ivy Schools Should Ignore Ed Blum Threats

Yesterday’s ruling by the Supreme Court to gut Affirmative Action during the Trump era of high racism and violence is but raw institutionalized racism confirming a denialist mindset working under the most perfect of conditions and wordings of the Constitution. Reality, in fact, is far from the imagined, which is why Ivy schools should ignore Ed Blum threats and continue to promote diversity. To dismantle the structures in place is far more expensive socially than to continue the work of promoting egalitarianism in their classrooms.

It is very difficult for someone like Blum and his organization to prove that the admission process is challenging the court ruling, which explains his public threats. If a school deems that the criteria for selecting its students include a higher score for those with unprivileged backgrounds, but with high grades, it becomes a question of selectivity based on equal parts (i.e., equal high grades), and not discrimination.

In other words, the process is not absolutist in nature if it is subject to the discretionary interpretation of the school and its admission office. Proving the opposite would be a challenging task.

How could Justice Thomas speak of equality, knowing well the legacy system is the most unequal of all?


In light of yesterday’s ruling, should the NAACP challenge the “Ivy League Legacy” system to shed light on the corruption of the extremists on the court. Let them thread that needle of explaining the immense discriminatory practices afforded to the privileged and the wealthy, or do away with it; just as they did to Affirmative Action.

How could Justice Thomas speak of equality, knowing well the legacy system is the most unequal of all? Just because a grandfather attended Harvard should not entitle the grandson to admission, especially if their scores are questionable. Isn’t that a discriminatory system against marginalized groups that legacies jump the line on the basis of some historical perspective?

We believe that the NAACP, or some other organization, should file a lawsuit against all Ivy League Schools, demanding they abandon giving free rides to many unqualified future students. In light of yesterday’s decision, many Americans would like to see real equality, if real equality is the goal here.

We say gut the legacy system too.

Ivy Schools Should Ignore Ed Blum Threats

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