When the Catholic Kennedys and the black leader Martin Luther King gained so much power and following, J Edgar Hoover did not hesitate to kill his enemies. Honestly, what are we going to do about Trump? Shall we let him upend our democracy while we watch? Or, shall the U.S. Government spring into action, besides the legal venues, to put an end to his miserable life? Don’t you think we should grant him his own “death wish” to save the whole country from his evil?
Look around you. There is not one county in this country that is not home to thousands of willing killers Trump has wronged by robbing them blind. Who is to say that one of them did not act? Who is going to investigate his death, except his followers living on the fringes of society? Folks, we hate to say it, but it’s Trump or the United States of America.
Dwell on that for a serious minute.
Grant you that in the good old days, the technology was lacking. One could conceive the most outrageous conspiracy and get away with it. Especially, if the conspirators also investigate their own murders. Today, however, the risks are higher. But so are the risks to the Republic from a Nazi leading the country to the abyss.
Trump in jail makes him far more dangerous. We really need him to have an induced heart attack and die.
Undetectable poisons and time-delayed viruses are available to our intelligence community as a mean to take out dangerous enemies internationally without drawing any attention to our deeds. Some will emulate a heart attack and there is no forensic pathologist on the planet who would not sign their names besides “death by natural causes”.
Mind you, the QAnon crazies would smell that bad fish. However, without any evidence to back their claims, it’s hot air in the winds. Suddenly, the country can breath easier upon Trump’s death.
We have never written such a Blog before because of our respect for the Office of the Presidency. We have always wished that Trump would die from natural causes; but, considering our inability to prosecute his ass, the country requires an “active measure” to skirt a hurricane coming our way, which will diminish further our trust in our own government and test our patience and will. Either Trump dies, or the Republic does.
And if some of you believe locking Trump up as our light at the end of the tunnel, consider that this defunct theory has already been tested in 1924 when Germany sentenced Hitler to five years in prison. His popularity soared, and he returned to destroy not only Germany, but the world.
Trump in jail makes him far more dangerous. We really need him to have an induced heart attack and die.
Let McConnell, as punishment, figure out how to delete the life of Donald Trump from our daily routine and conscious.
Ignorant, low-IQ Trumpists tend to concoct conspiracies when they cannot find a logical answer to the problem. It’s their trademark. So, when Trump expires, most would accuse the U.S. Government, and particularly who is in charge to level their anger against. This makes President Biden the unlikeliest of candidates to order his death.
What we need is a heartless Republican, like Mitch McConnell, to pull the trigger. Let him, since he obtusely refused to impeach Trump, bear the brunt of that decision. Let McConnell, as punishment, figure out how to delete the life of Donald Trump from our daily routine and conscious. Let him save the country on his own.
Dear readers, there is a point in time when one realizes that repeating the same mistakes hoping for a different outcome is not exactly working. Under these circumstances, true leaders rise to greatness when they take matters in their own hands to save their country. Killing Donald Trump is that moment.
Hopefully, our leaders have the balls to save us from Trump’s evil. Once and for all.