Men Die But Causes Live

Men Die But Causes Live
Men Die But Causes Live

On September 26, 2024, 42 years after the founding of Hezbollah, Israel succeeded in killing its Secretary General Hasan Nasrallah using large bunker-buster bombs, which leveled also six residential buildings in Beirut. The casualty figures are yet to be announced by the Ministry of Health in Lebanon, but the world should expect that Benjamin Netanyahu has also massacred hundreds of innocent civilians in the process. Just as it did in Gaza. This is another temporary success for Israel and its war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, who does not understand that men die but causes live to endure and continue.

No amount of violence is going to make Israel safer and more secure. If it does, it is temporary until the next war. No amount of violence is going to break the will of the Palestinian people, who will regroup and fight for another day.

If anything, yesterday’s attack on Beirut that killed Nasrallah, and the possibility that Israel may still invade Lebanon again, a repeat of 2006, will energize the resistance across the Arab world. Then and now, the resistance to Israeli extremism and violence will rise again to threaten those who believe they can submit the Arab and Muslim world to its will.

Men die but causes live.

There are three lessons the anti-Israel apartheid world has learned in the last year.

  1. The United States selectively applies the law, any law, to favor its hegemonic goals.
  2. The United States, in complicity with Israel, will eventually bomb any Arab country that resists or demands a homeland for the Palestinian people.
  3. Missiles alone cannot win against the combination of air superiority, intelligence on the ground, and technology.
Netanyahu is preparing for a land invasion, which would clear south Lebanon of all missiles and underground bunkers; in addition to stealing water from the Litani river that Israel is in dire need for its expansion.


Hezbollah, and by extension Iran, believed it could destroy Israel if it fired hundreds or thousands of Missiles. This theory has proven to be faulty when the enemy has fighter jets that can roam the skies freely and drop tons of bombs. Or, when its intelligence is so deep, it knew when and where Hassan Nasrallah was meeting in the bunker in the suburbs of Beirut.

Whether its human intelligence, or signal intelligence, Hezbollah proved to be no match for the U.S. and Israeli superior military and information collection machine. And unless the Arab countries resisting Israel’s violence can degrade the Israeli air superiority, and plug their intelligence leaks and weaknesses, Israel is going to win every war it wages. And with every war, Israel is going to kill even more civilians, and grab more Palestinian lands for its Zionist colonialist settlers.

That’s a fact.

What is next on Israel’s agenda? Nothing but more violence. Netanyahu is preparing for a land invasion, which would clear south Lebanon of all missiles and underground bunkers; in addition to stealing water from the Litani river that Israel is in dire need for its expansion.

For Israel, the real spoils of war is water.

In the meantime, kiss Gaza and the West Bank goodbye. Israel is going to annex both in the near future, and start planning to bomb Syria to remove the Iranian influence from the Levant for good.


There is a tendency, in Arab politics, to threaten one’s enemies with hollow words of glory and triumph. It’s a cultural element that Hezbollah could not escape, even though it has demonstrated in the past, in 2006 when Israel invaded Lebanon, that it is capable of small triumphal defensive postures. What did Israel do? It waited another 18 years, when its intelligence gathering and its technological knowhow permitted it to paralyze Hezbollah by killing all its leaders and operations operatives.

Hezbollah chose to build missiles, but Israel chose intelligence and technology. That road led to yesterday’s dramatic assassination of Hassan Nasrallah. Iran, for all intended purposes, is at a loss.

For Iran, it all started the day it attacked Israel with about 300 missiles and drones. Most failed to reach their targets because the defensive belt Israel built with help from the United States, and which included Jordan defending Israel, showed Iran that its strategy is faulty. This is the reason Iran did not attack Israel after the Haniyeh assassination, nor will it attack after Narsallah’s assassination.

Back to the drawing boards for the resistance movement. Unless that movement figures out how to defend against Israeli air superiority and plug its counter-intelligence failures, Israel is not about to be defeated any day soon.

In the meantime, kiss Gaza and the West Bank goodbye. Israel is going to annex both in the near future, and start planning to bomb Syria to remove the Iranian influence from the Levant for good.

Men Die But Causes Live

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