Pass the Laws to Vet and Clear Future Presidents

Pass the Laws to Vet and Clear Future Presidents

Frank Figliuzzi, former Assistant Director for Counterintelligence at the FBI, wrote an eye-catching article for MSNBC in which he advocated for stricter rules when it comes to the selection of our candidates for President of the United States. Today, it’s in the hands of party officials who often look for their winning potential thus bypassing a process Figliuzzi deems dangerous to overlook, which this author wholeheartedly agrees with. Congress must pass the laws to vet and clear future presidents; either by the FBI or an independent entity, which then clears either of the political parties to nominate them to run.

With convincing arguments, Figliuzzi recites Former President Donald Trump (Can’t tell you how sweet it is to write the word former here) history and the incidents, which prompted the old KGB to favor and push for a candidate in the White House it can influence. Today, we know how dangerously close we came to a President who demonstrated more loyalty to the word of our enemies than our democratic institutions. This should never, ever happen again.

It [Congress] must build this invisible fence around the White House that would prevent stray and sick hyenas from waltzing in ever again.


This country came close to losing its identity and become a northern hemisphere Venezuela had it not for the failure of Trump’s insurrection of January 6. While in office, our check and balance system prohibited Trump from outright authoritarian control, but can you imagine if he succeeded what it would mean to our country? Vladimir Putin would be the one sitting in the Oval Office with his feet up on the desk just as Trump supporters disrespected the office of the Speaker of the House.

For those who read my Blogs know that I am not a fan of Congress, but by golly I would defend this institution to death if domestic terrorists or foreign agents or actors played a role in desecrating it. So, in order not to test the loyalties of future Presidents, Congress must do its job this time around. It must build this invisible fence around the White House that would prevent stray and sick hyenas from waltzing in ever again. One Donald Trump is all America can take for centuries to come.

Incidentally, to this day, we still don’t know what Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin talked about during their notorious Helsinki meeting. On that score, Congress should invite the White House interpreter for a closed-meeting testimony about what both leaders discussed during another meeting in Hamburg in 2017. The American people have the right to know what the man they voted for was concocting behind closed doors because treason is too important to sweep under a red rug.

Should we not also clear every candidate the two parties nominate to run for high office? Because once they penetrate the system, the damage is done.


I argued, in another Blog, that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene would be the perfect Russian asset to recruit. Beyond the immunity from activity monitoring, any person in her position can exact a great damage on our institutions by dividing the country further and by spreading more lies and conspiracies. This is why the FBI should look into her past and those of her close relatives. One trip by her, or anyone close to her, to Russia or their allies like Cyprus is enough to raise a red flag.

The point is that we are living during dangerous times in which our enemies are taking advantage to break us from within. Should we not also build a similar invisible fence around every democratic institution to protect our democracy? If a company offering a $7.25 employee a job, they run a quick vetting background check, should we not then vet and clear pubic employees whose decisions can start a nuclear war?

Should we not also clear every candidate the two parties nominate to run for high office? Because once they penetrate the system, the damage is done.

If our government seeks full background check to grant security clearances to government employees, should we not seek the same from someone whose propensity to damage our country is unlimited?


Figliuzzi recommends adopting the transparency rules proposed by the Fordham University School of Law. Whether we do or not in the future may tip the balance in favor or against our democracy. It’s that simple. The mistake this country made in straying far from its core values by allowing such a high risk candidate to occupy the White House should not be an option in the future. Every candidate should tell us who they owe money to, bankruptcies if any, travels, and full access to their communications devices.

If our government seeks full background check to grant security clearances to government employees, should we not seek the same from someone whose propensity to damage our country is unlimited? It happened once with Donald Trump, and that’s one too many.

Congress, shut the door tight. Pass the laws necessary to protect us from another Trump.

Pass the Laws to Vet and Clear Future Presidents

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