Senator Joe Manchin is a DINOsaur (Democrat In Name Only)

Senator Joe Manchin is a Dinosaur

Just when the Senate parliamentarian ruled in favor of amending the budget resolution for the Democrats to pass several corrective legislation without McConnell’s usual veto our nation is in dire need for to re-build a Reagan-decimated middle class, Senator Joe Manchin, basically, killed that option as the 50th Democratic vote in a split Senate. Senator Joe Manchin is a DINOsaur (Democrat in name only). His conservatism and dislike of progressive policies lines him more with conservative Republicans than Democrats.

The Joe Biden White House needs to realize that it thinks it holds a majority in the House. This ghost majority of the Senate is a mirage. An unstable fact that is yet to reveal itself conclusively to the rest of the country. If President Joe Biden has any dreams of transforming this country to re-capture its pre-Reagan era principles, he needs to abandon that hope as long as Joe Manchin flexes his West Virginia muscles to block much needed reforms to our system.

I dare say, in fact, that Joe Manchin is a miniature Mitch McConnell who is quickly discovering that his face on TV and in print is more valuable than what’s good for the people of this country. Especially his West Virginians languishing at the bottom 50 in state rankings.


Senator Joe Manchin is a DINO 2
West Virginia Ranking. Source: US News

I really hope his opponents mount a campaign to decisively defeat him in 2024. The man has no business calling himself a Democrat when he is really a DINOsaur.

Senator Bernie Sanders openly declared he has no issue with going to West Virginia to build a grassroots movement against Joe Manchin


Many assume that Joe Manchin speaks for his constituents in West Virginia when he blocks legislation his own people who rank amongst the poorest and the least educated in the country hail from. By blocking progressives from passing the corrective legislation to fix this country’s ailments, he becomes part of the problem of why there is so much anger prowling in America today. But being out of touch with reality, like most of our Congress is, he sees himself as Nero burning legislation than a savior of our true democratic principles that dictate that Congress works for the interests of the people.

Manchin’s postures are creating problems for the Senator. For example, Senator Bernie Sanders, whose popularity has skyrocketed since 2016, openly declared he has no issue with going to West Virginia to build a grassroots movement against Joe Manchin. Beyond Sanders, opposition to Manchin’s posturing is already attracting some attention.

Osita Nwanevu wrote about Stephen Smith, a gubernatorial candidate in West Virginia’s Democratic primary last year, who declared:

“What we’re seeing out of Washington is ‘Manchin needs to step in line and support the president. And we need him to be more Democratic and progressive.’ And that doesn’t work. Manchin’s made his career on the fact that he isn’t a reliable Democratic vote.”The Soapbox - Osita Nwanevu February 5, 2021
For his part, Manchin is hanging Damocles sword over Biden. He could flip sides and become a GOP Senator. Out of spite and revenge if Democrats push too hard.


So far, both threats coming on April 5 do not seem to flinch Manchin who threatened the Parliamentarian move with his own veto. I do expect Bernie Sanders to make a move against him to sell the hapless West Virginians on his trampling of their interests and rights in favor of big business and self-aggrandizement.

The Senator is oblivious to the fact that the longer the list of enemies he makes, the more likely he will face constituent revolt come 2024. For his part, Manchin is hanging Damocles sword over Biden. He could flip sides and become a GOP Senator. Out of spite and revenge if Democrats push too hard.

That is a risk most Democrats need to take. Especially, since their policies favor most West Virginians languishing in abject poverty. Fight him now, or fight him by 2024. The man needs to learn who voted him to the Senate to protect their interests.

Senator Joe Manchin is a DINOsaur (Democrat In Name Only)

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