Shame on Senator Schumer and Congressman Jeffries

Shame on Senator Schumer and Congressman Jeffries
Shame on Senator Schumer and Congressman Jeffries

In light of the invitation that both sides of Congress issued to the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress, it has become clear that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. With regard to foreign policy, that is. When both Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Hakeem Jeffries signed that invitation, they committed the ultimate sin of liberalism by aligning themselves with extremists in Israel. Shame on Senator Schumer and Congressman Jeffries.

It is obvious that both Democrats and Republicans have anchored their ideologies in support of the far extreme policies of Israel. Both are taking positions against their own constituents, whether to call for a ceasefire, as most Democrats want to see happen, or to stop sending taxpayers money abroad, as per the opposition of the majority of the Republican base.

The invitation of Benjamin Netanyahu is so wrong on so many levels, it is hard to imagine it will not impact the 2024 elections. Either by the lowest turn-out in our history, or by selecting a third candidate, like Jill Stein, to show how vast is the divide between our politicians and their voters.


Furthermore, when Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Hakeem Jeffries inked their names in support of inviting the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, they also abandoned the Labor Party constituents in Israel. Those who are the likeliest to ever strike peace with the Palestinians.

Shame on Schumer and Jeffries. Both are sold out uncle toms.

For all intended purposes, the Democrats have realigned their policies towards the extreme and violent Zionist right in Israel, which is committing all the crimes the world has become witness to.

Shame on Schumer and shame on Jeffries, now fully complicit in the crimes of Benjamin Netanyahu. In doing so, the Democrats are making sure that all Arab and Muslim voters stay home in 2024, or vote for Donald Trump.

Shame on Senator Schumer and Congressman Jeffries

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