The Extraordinary Generous Offer to Massacre

The Extraordinary Generous Offer to Massacre
The Extraordinary Generous Offer to Massacre

Amid negotiations between Hamas and the Israeli government, the Palestinian people, and not just Hamas, were offered a 40-day respite from the incessant killing of women and children in return for the release of all Israeli hostages. Antony Blinken called it “Extraordinary Generous”. We call it the extraordinary generous offer to massacre innocent women and children in Gaza on day 41 if the Palestinian people accept this preposterous offer.

If Hamas accepts, Israel would kill everyone in sight for months to come, since its hostages are now free. In addition to destroying every standing building as far as the eyes can see. Benjamin Netanyahu is a genocidal maniac who belongs in jail or on a guillotine.

Furthermore, if the Israeli hostages are free, the Israeli people will stop protesting against the incompetence and corruption of Benjamin Netanyahu. Why should the Palestinian people give that killer any breathing space? Let him suffer the consequences of his terror on the world stage. Antisemitism does not grow in a vacuum.


There is no way in hell, with all the protests on US campuses, all the split in the Democratic Party, and all the alienation Joe Biden successfully facilitated against his own base, that Benjamin Netanyahu would attack Rafah. It would spark a global uprising against the United States and Israel, and it might even spark a revolution in Egypt that would dismantle the regime. The Egyptians, the majority of whom support Hamas, are on edge. Willing and able to rise by the millions.

It would also put lots of pressure on King Abdullah’s rule, where 65% of his subjects are of Palestinian origin. Israel’s violence, if it attacked Rafah, might mobilize factions within the Jordanian Army to revolt against their king.

So no, we don’t think Netanyahu would invade Rafah. Not when Joe Biden keeps losing in poll after poll to Donald Trump. It’s one big Israeli bluff to force Hamas to surrender.

The Extraordinary Generous Offer to Massacre

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