The Secret Conversation Biden Had With Netanyahu

The Secret Conversation Biden Had With Netanyahu
How Biden and Netanyahu conspired to destroy Gaza and kill tens of thousands of its inhabitants. The Secret Conversation Biden Had With Netanyahu

Apparently, Biden has drawn a line in the sand when it comes to the invasion of Rafah, and as expected, the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu could not help it but spill more the blood of Palestinian children and babies. But how did we get here after seven months of the best honeymoon the world has ever witnessed between a Catholic cheat and a criminal Zionist Jew? It should surprise no one that maybe the secret conversation Biden had with Netanyahu has led us to this moment of the biggest deception in world history.

What secret conversation, are you asking? The one we know that old and unethical hack is capable of having. Joe Biden is the most unprincipled man on planet earth who would lie and cheat without batting an eye.

The conversation, we believe, went like this.


We believe Joe Biden initiated this conversation to save his skin. It went like this:

Joe Biden: Hey Bibi, I know you want to kill as many Palestinians as you can. And I’m with you. Did I not just let you do it for 6 months? But now, I am in big trouble. Those little Gen Z f***ers I share an account with them on TikTok are angrier than angry. So, here is what I am going to do…

Bibi: Mr. President, AIPAC is working hard on to make sure you win in November. Do not sell yourself short. After all, did the organization not help you pass the TikTok killer bill through bi-partisan support you could not muster on your own?

Joe Biden: I know Bibi, and I am eternally thankful to you and AIPAC, but I am not willing to risk my election for that dimwit Donald Trump to win. So hear me out.

Bibi: Ok, I am all ears.

Joe Biden: My people are going to leak that we are blocking sending you the largest bombs, the 2,000lbs and the 500lbs. You know, the ones that you don’t need in Rafah with your tanks and artillery shells.

Bibi: Mr. President, I need these bombs to kill

Joe Biden: Listen to me, Bibi. We would leak it, but I will not halt these weapons. It’s a ruse to regain control of my re-election campaign. When necessary, you will get that ammunition and then some. I ask you to play the same game on your side by complaining to the world that you will do it alone whether the U.S. helps or not.

Bibi: Ok … so, we are good to invade Rafah.

Joe Biden: You are. You will always have the weapons, but I must deceive the Democrats in my party and the American people. They are jumping on my throat. That’s all.

Bibi: I am free to kill and starve as many Palestinians?

Joe Biden: To your heart’s desire, my friend.

Both hanged up their phones with a big criminal grin on their faces.

The Secret Conversation Biden Had With Netanyahu

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