The Simultaneous Immense Kindness and Cruelty of Americans

The Immense Kindness and Cruelty of Americans
The Immense Kindness and Cruelty of Americans

On one side, President Biden is fighting for a long overdue safety net for the average Americans who have been left behind by the lawless capitalism President Ronald Reagan started. On the other side is Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia who believes that families receiving the child tax credit, which expired two months ago, would use the money to buy drugs. Both Biden and Manchin show the face of our society in an opposing fashion, which putĀ  the simultaneous immense kindness and cruelty of Americans on full display.

Both men are unequivocally helping and harming this great nation. The difference is that Joe Manchin could care less about his constituents hovering at the bottom of the economic ladder as the 48th worst state of the union. Joe Biden, on the other hand, cares about those lawless capitalism has left behind in our country.

Upon analyzing his legislative agenda, one can see through his good intentions to help those in need. While Manchin ignores his own state and his own impoverished West Virginians. What does a man who drives a Maserati know about child poverty?

However, cancelling student debt remains one of Biden’s Achilles Heels. Her just can’t say “no” to the banking industry tying their nooses around millions of young Americans.

Those who are trying to deny teaching our true racist history in classes are the same cruel people whose ancestors enslaved the Africans they kidnapped against their will.


The same could be said about racist white people. What have the black people of this great nation done to the whites to deserve such hate and injustice? A question I have asked many times before. It’s as if African-Americans ran around wearing white robes with hoodies and tying nooses around trees to hang white people.

I can understand one tribe hating another because of history. Take the Christian Orthodox hate for Sunni Muslims because of Constantinople. It’s justified. It’s convincing. There is a good reason.

But what is the reason for white racist Americans to hate the black people? This is what makes racists, like Joe Manchin, the cruelest people in America.

Racism is about cruelty. Pure and simple. If one cannot feel empathy for what the white people have done, and continue to do, to the blacks in this country for over 400 years, then you are a fake Christian. That church you go to is a devil’s den. Did Jesus not teach you to love everyone?

Those who are trying to deny teaching our true racist history in classes are the same cruel people whose ancestors enslaved the Africans they kidnapped against their will. The great, great grandchildren, if unable to lynch or join the police to kill black people, are passing unjust laws against the blacks to continue with the tradition of their ancestors. Their cruelty is immeasurable and unrestricted.

I say, both racism and greed foster cruelty. Just like hope and fear foster the notion of Heaven and Hell.


I have always believed that kindness emanates from the maturity of a person’s heart and mind. Without it, we roam the jungle blinded by our capacity to advance the cause of our humanity. Without kindness, free from malice, we remain one step away from any animal. In a way, altruistic kindness makes our minds soar with ideas that help the next generation achieve even more. Cruelty, on the other hand, turns us into petty creatures unable to concoct any meaningful solutions for humanity’s sake. Locking horns locks the whole mind.

This is one reason why billions of people admire the kindness of Martin Luther King and Ghandi and so few admire the cruelty of Hitler and Stalin. History, in general, is not kind to cruel people because as we progress and gain more civility, we cross the Rubicon separating our animal instincts from our true humanity. America has yet to cross that Rubicon. Millions of our people remain barbaric savages touting both guns and Bibles as if Jesus was a gun-blazing Messiah.

Take a look at what the Vikings used to represent and what the Nordic people of Europe represent today. It’s the civil and decent passage from total cruelty to complete empathy and kindness.

In this country of ours, cruelty comes in all forms. It is often sparked by racism but also by greed. Look at how our own government, run by Republican cruel politicians, have mortgaged the lives of our young people by charging them the arm and the leg for higher education learning. That’s cruelty fueled by greed.

I say, both racism and greed foster cruelty. Just like hope and fear foster the notion of Heaven and Hell.

The Simultaneous Immense Kindness and Cruelty of Americans

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