The Terrorists in Israel Are Eager to Sacrifice U.S. Lives

The Terrorists in Israel Are Eager to Sacrifice U.S. Lives
The Terrorists in Israel Are Eager to Sacrifice U.S. Lives

All those maneuvers by the ultra-terrorists in the Netanyahu government, from Itamar Ben-Gvir seeking to build a synagogue on the grounds of the al-Aqsa Mosque, to Amichai Eliyahu funding its storming have all one aim in common: Israel wants to start a war with Islam it hopes Iran would jump in to defend. The terrorists in Israel are eager to sacrifice U.S. lives for a war they desperately need to finish off all their Muslim enemies.

And who else is behind this conniving act but the American Zionist billionaires who are restraining Joe Biden, in an election year, from sanctioning these terrorists. If Biden had any loyalty to his own country, he would slap harsh sanctions on the Israeli settler communities, and their Messianic extremism, who are now driving the region to a much wider war.

The problem is that Biden has completely lost his mind, and the likes of Ben-Gvir, Smotrich, and Eliyahu know they have, through AIPAC, total control of the U.S. Government. No retribution or accountability for their actions, which aim to spark a war with the Muslim world in the hope the U.S. would defend Israel at the expense of American lives and treasure.

In the last two months, Israel realized it cannot ethnically cleanse Gaza without first taking down Iran and it proxies. But it wants the U.S. to do it for Israel.

Honestly, with allies like Israel, who needs enemies.

If Joe Biden has any common sense left in him, which we doubt sincerely, he would sanction these thugs posing as ministers and high officials in the Israeli government.


It is highly likely that Benjamin Netanyahu killed Ismael Haniey in Tehran in order to force responding with fire and brimstone so that the U.S. Navy comes to Israel’s rescue. But since many in this administration still remember Israel instigating the war in Iraq, the wiser officials are the ones blocking all the Israel efforts.

It is also likely that the U.S. has already warned Benjamin Netanyahu that the U.S. may not come to his aid if he foolishly thinks he can geopolitically move the pieces in the region without full U.S. acquiescence. Therefore, Ben-Gvir and the rest of the gang took it upon themselves to start that war.

If Joe Biden has any common sense left in him, which we doubt sincerely, he would sanction these thugs posing as ministers and high officials in the Israeli government. They will not stop until we force them to stop. Sanction them now.

Or, we can just wait until they succeed during an era when the U.S. President has become a mental invalid incapable of making the right decisions for his country because of Zionist money.

The Terrorists in Israel Are Eager to Sacrifice U.S. Lives

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