The United States is Two Countries Rolled Into One

The United States is Two Countries Rolled Into One

When you think about it, the United States is two countries rolled into one. There is one country for the lawless rich and another for the insignificant powerless. Then, there is one country for the privileged white people and another for the disenfranchised people of color. Furthermore, upon a closer look, you have one country that belongs to “the land of the free”, and another country that resembles more a Stasi police state for those we treat as second class citizens.

Those two countries co-existed as one because there has been a systemic approach to brainwashing every American into the belief that we are an exceptional nation that does no wrong. Embedded in that message of exceptionalism is the cleansing of the sins of the white people who violently occupied lands that did not belong to them, and then kidnapped and enslaved people who made them rich. If it was not for the native Indians, the African-Americans, the Jews who showed the White Anglo-Saxons Protestants how to make money, and the immigrants in general, the United States might resemble more the Russia of today. All white conservative Christians and all mediocre.

What do these three groups of people get in return? Violent racism and antisemitism. So much for exceptionalism.

After we napalmed their women and children during the Vietnam War, now we steal their life savings. Way to go Oklahoma.


The intentions of the State Forfeiture Laws is to forfeit assets of drug dealers and runners. But in some instances, as in the State of Oklahoma, they have made it a habit to stop cars on their highways, steal people’s cash under the excuse it’s drug money — no proof is needed — and then refuse to give it back even upon proof of innocence. Almost 100% of the money goes to law enforcement or the District Attorney’s office prosecuting the case. This means that the chance of getting your money back is zero to null.

Oklahoma has turned its laws into a racket.

The Institute for Justice, in a study it called “Policing for Profit“, it awarded Oklahoma D- for its abusive behavior, which we here in this country might call the actions of a “Police State” if it happened anywhere else around the world.

Here is a story about a highway robber Oklahoma sheriff deputy who stole the life savings of a Vietnamese immigrant using the Asset Forfeiture Law to punish an innocent man. The police officer had the gall to secretly keep $10,000 of the cash he seized to himself.

After we napalmed their women and children during the Vietnam War, now we steal their life savings. Way to go Oklahoma.

The immigrant has yet to recover the money even though he broke no laws. If that is not the act of a Stasi police state, then read about the Soviet Union. It thought of itself as exceptional too.

The same people who think Elvis lives are giving life to Hitler in Texas.


Here is a gem of how antisemitic some of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants could be.

NBC News obtained a secret recording of Gina Peddy, a superintendent of the Texas Carroll school district, telling teachers to carry “opposing” books to the Holocaust.

Mike Hixenbaugh and Antonia Hylton wrote for NBC News:

A top administrator with the Carroll Independent School District in Southlake advised teachers last week that if they have a book about the Holocaust in their classroom, they should also offer students access to a book from an “opposing” perspectiveNBC News by Mike Hixenbaugh and Antonia Hylton - October 15, 2021

The same people who think Elvis lives are giving life to Hitler in Texas.

The United States is two countries rolled into one. One for the privileged and one for the disenfranchised. One for the whites and one for the non-whites. Further, one for the rich and one for the poor. One that still lives the civil war and one that passed it.

Time to come to grip with the reality that our politics, laws, and behavior have been and will always be divisive. Trump just highlighted the obvious.

The United States is Two Countries Rolled Into One

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