Supporters of Israel claim that the Gaza war is in response to October 7, and that Israel is defending itself. However, the WCK massacre sheds light on Israel as a nation terrorizing everyone that stands in its way to kill as many Palestinians as it can. It showed the world that we are dealing with Zionist animals who tell U.S. and Europe, “We are you” while they intentionally hunt down and kill, one by one, American and European aid workers.
This is how an apartheid system of terror acts, and not how a democracy acts. If there was ever a fake democracy, which hides its crimes from the world and pretends it is always the victim, you will find it in Israel.
When asked about the WCK massacre, Netanyahu responded, “This happens in wartime”. In that case, should Hamas not also tell Netanyahu the same thing with regard to the victims of October 7? The global pushback was swift, which took Netanyahu by total surprise, but not enough to stop the U.S. and Europe from sending money and weapons to Israel to kill more Palestinians civilians.
Biden is a snake, and his closet racism and bigotry should alarm all those who are thinking of voting for him in November.
It took Joe Biden six months, the WCK massacre, and tons of polls showing him losing in November, before he threw down the gauntlet in a call to Netanyahu on April 4. The next day, Israel opened two routes to deliver aid to the Palestinians.
Only when Arab Americans, Gen Z, and the Irish-American community in the U.S. told Biden they are not voting for him in November, did he act to try to put an end to the starvation of Gaza. This is not lost on the same communities whom Biden betrayed by turning himself into Netanyahu’s doormat.
How did Biden get the courage to ask Netanyahu to stop starving Gaza will be the subject of many discussions by historians. Their duty is to reflect on the facts to answer the difficult questions that start with “Why”. Some of these historians, we suspect, will be calling Biden a weak President.
We concur partially with that assessment if it took him six months to act. But we also believe Biden hates Muslims to his core, which is why he calls himself a committed Zionist. That commitment comes from his hate for this group of people that did nothing to him. Biden is a snake, and his closet racism and bigotry should alarm all those who are thinking of voting for him in November.
Israel is an artificial state with an artificial history and existence. The Palestinians have been reminding the world of that fact since 1948, and they are not about to stop. Ever.
This coming Sunday, open your newspaper, computer, or iPhone and ruminate on this statistic that a Nathan J. Robinson delivered through this tweet with its own graph.
israel has killed more aid workers in the tiny gaza strip than have died in all of the countries in the rest of the world combined in any of the last 30 years
— Nathan J Robinson (@NathanJRobinson) April 3, 2024

And Zionists call Israel a democracy when it is really a terrorist European settler state practicing genocide on the native and indigenous people of Palestine. Just like the United States practiced genocide on the native Indians.
Israel is an artificial state with an artificial history and existence. The Palestinians have been reminding the world of that fact since 1948, and they are not about to stop. Ever.