Will MAGA Cultists Experience Trump Fatigue?

Will MAGA Cultists Experience Trump Fatigue?
Will MAGA Cultists Experience Trump Fatigue?

With four indictments, and the possibility of Donald Trump finally landing in prison, ever become that consequential moment in American history that will also create another milestone of even greater consequence? In other words, will MAGA cultists experience Trump fatigue and finally abandon all hopes of a white nationalist savior? One who is intent on introducing white authoritarianism in the United States?

If it happens, even in slow motion, it would be by far as important as the U.S. Government holding Trump accountable for his treasonous actions. One that we believe Moscow dictates as the handler of the 45th President. In fact, Trump in jail would deal a big blow to Vladimir Putin’s ambitions at breaking this country apart from within. The MAGA army is Putin’s army, except the likes of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Sen. Jim Jordan, and Rep. Matt Gaetz remain clueless about.

Such abandonment would also tame the aggressive behavior of Ron DeSantis, whose sole political platform is to wage war on black history and the LBGTQ Community.

If Trump lands in jail, the racists would simply go underground, burdened by their loss and the halting of their machine of hatred. With them, racist politicians like DeSantis would also be forgotten.

We should ask for nothing less than to save our country from a Russian implant. One who continues to threaten the US from within.


There are two reactions Trump followers might exercise.

If he is sentenced to jail, it behooves the DOJ to seek to apply the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to stop him from running for Office through the court’s system. This one-two punch might take the air out of his followers. They simply would dissipate in thin air, just like “Whites Only” signs dissipated in the south.

Or, Trump followers might revolt violently in spite of jail time and the 14th Amendment. This seems unlikely given the indictments of their insurrectionist brothers-in-arms. That does not mean the U.S. should not be ready for violence, as the likes of Matt Gaetz are imploring Trump followers to embrace.

Violence, even if sporadic, would be a death wish for the MAGA movement and its leadership if Matt Gaetz thinks he could start a civil war.

Everyone who loves this country and do not want to see anti-Semitic, anti-blacks, and anti-LBGTQ white nationalists rise to power ever again, must take a stand against Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. Their violent rhetoric (i.e., DeSantis calling for “slitting throats”) have no place in this country. Unless you want Putin to break our democracy from within.

Our wise-minded politicians see the muck below the surface. They understand that this nation is under attack from overseas because of the turncoat Trump. They are trying to fix the Trump and the DeSantis anomalies using a variety of ways. The four Trump indictments are but an expression of the will of those minding the gates.

We believe the MAGA cultists will experience trump fatigue the moment they see Trump in jail. It would simply deflate their energy and along their hate and bigotry.

We should ask for nothing less than to save our country from a Russian implant. One who continues to threaten the US from within.

Will MAGA Cultists Experience Trump Fatigue?

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