Would Garland Dare Not to Prosecute Trump?

Would Garland Dare Not to Prosecute Trump
Would Garland Dare Not to Prosecute Trump

Now that the January 6 Committee has referred Donald Trump to the Department of Justice, the question on everyone’s mind is: Would Garland dare not to prosecute Trump? After all, Garland has refused to prosecute both Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino after the January 6 Committee referred both in March of 2022. In addition to Mark Meadows in December 2021. Garland’s timidity is becoming legendary. Even at the cost of losing an indictment, future would-be insurrectionists need to know this country will hold them accountable for their actions. Alone, the cost of defending themselves from a DOJ throwing all its prosecutorial power to indict them is one of the greatest deterrents to protect our democracy.

Folks, it is possible that Merrick Garland may refuse to prosecute a former President of the United States for one legal theory or another. Don’t bet on him to do what is right for the country as much as what is right in his own legal mind.

We hope we are 100% wrong. We truly hope Merrick Garland defends this country with the same passion he defends the law. Both are not mutually exclusive when you fully understand Trump and his despicable motivations.

Nonetheless, we are not holding our breath. Wimps generally do not do well when under pressure.

The same might happen to Trump’s January 6 referral whose purpose might just be to use lots of ink and pixels to make us all feel good with no result pending the fate of the insurrectionist-in-chief Donald Trump.


Besides the two miscreants Garland has refused to prosecute, he has also refused to go after Mark Meadows, which undermined the very core duties of the January 6 Committee.

In an article for NBC News that

The timidity of Attorney General Merrick Garland has already undermined the committee’s ability to obtain the evidence of a key witness, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. More than 110 days ago, the House held Meadows in contempt of Congress and urged Garland to prosecute him criminally for interfering with its investigation.NBC News by Michael Conway, former counsel, U.S. House Judiciary Committee - April 7, 2022rch 25, 2022

That was back in April of 2022. As of today, it would be past one year since Meadows’ referral and there is still no action by Garland. The same might happen to Trump’s January 6 referral whose purpose might just be to use lots of ink and pixels to make us all feel good with no result pending the fate of the insurrectionist-in-chief Donald Trump.

We believe the January 6 committee has some intelligence about the negative disposition of Merrick Garland to prosecute Trump.


Grant you that some of these people may have given valuable information secretly and their referral is but a charade to confuse Trump. We can accept that in politics deception is the name of the game. But what we will not accept is for Merrick Garland not to prosecute Trump. There is absolutely no logic, no matter how twisted politically, that could convince those who witnessed January 6 that Donald Trump should go free.

Absolutely none.

Hey, Merrick, if you want the American people to totally lose faith in our justice system, then give Trump a free pass and allow him the benefit to come back to succeed the next time around. That would surely make your name synonymous with Neville Chamberlain as you wave Congress referral in the face of the American people and leave behind you a legacy of shame.

If Garland wants to inject adrenaline into the blood stream of hate and bigotry, the best he can do is ignore the January 6 Committee recommendations. This would sure give Trump a shot in the arm and embolden his troops to rally around him.

Just in time for the 2024 elections.

We believe the January 6 Committee has some intelligence about the negative disposition of Merrick Garland to prosecute Trump. Referring the former President to the DOJ is one way of pressuring Garland to act.

If he does not and his lack of action produces dangerous future consequences, the January 6 Committee can always point its finger at one man and one man only.

Would Garland Dare Not to Prosecute Trump?

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