Zionists Don’t Care Who Becomes President

Zionists Don't Care Who Becomes President
An injured child in Gaza that Israel bombed with US weapons. Zionists Don’t Care Who Becomes President

Silly are those American voters who think AIPAC has preference over which candidate wins in 2024. After the influence they exerted against a liberal President to kowtow to an ultra-conservative Zionist agenda, they can sit back, sip champagne, and applaud any result. In short, Zionists don’t care who becomes President because they have both idiots Joe Biden and Donald Trump in their back pockets.

Biden, meanwhile, thinks he has secured the 20% Jewish votes of ultra-conservative Zionists in America who usually vote for the Republican Party, thus eroding the popularity of Donald Trump. He thinks they care enough about him now to flip sides. We have news for you, Joe. The Zionists don’t care who becomes President. You will feel that dagger in your back come November 6.

He believes his strategy of blind support for Israel is going to pay him big dividends. But there is one problem, Joe. The votes of Arab and Muslim Americans is larger than the 20% vote you are hoping to switch. Much larger, you silly goose.

So, when you stick to your Gaza policy, they [Zionists] are as happy as a pig’s fart. This is all they care about. Israel and only Israel, and never you over Israel.


The Super Tuesday results are in. Of the 89% results in the State of Minnesota with a large Muslim American community, 20% have voted “uncommitted”. That’s huge.

There are more voters voting against Biden than voters for Dean Philips in Minnesota. What do you think those voters are telling Joe Biden? Could it be in line with “Stop killing Palestinian women and children in Gaza by sending weapons to Israel unconditionally”?

In North Carolina, a southern state with more red necks than you can shake a tree, with 99% of the votes counted, 12.7% of North Carolinians voted “No Preference”.

To tell Biden that he is in trouble come November would be too uppity of us. Biden is in snooze mode because he still believes that he can throw a dog bone here and there and those who oppose his policy on Gaza would simply salivate and capitulate to his old man charm.

We got news for you, Joe. Zionists simply could not give a hoot who becomes President. They want Biden as much as they want Trump, and vice versa. So, when you stick to your Gaza policy, they are as happy as a pig’s fart. This is all they care about. Israel and only Israel, and never you over Israel.

Why do you think they buy U.S. Presidents through campaign contributions?

He [Biden] thinks the Zionists love him for what he’s done for Israel. He does not believe they got even better promises from every candidate for President on both isles.


Dear Mr. President, it’s time to wake up. A difficult job awaits you if you really want to win come November.

There is a possibility, considering how stubborn and moronic Biden could be, that the President may be calculating in his mind a strategy of “They don’t dare”. For him, Arab and Muslim Americans are not going to vote “uncommitted” when reality stares them in the face of seeing Trump come back to haunt them.

He might actually believe his own perception over those whose families he is sending weapons to kill in Gaza.

So, we expect him to keep throwing bones and breadcrumbs to all of his Anti-Gaza Democrats in the form of sweet words, but no deeds. We expect him to ignore the fire alarms of Michigan, Minnesota, and the soon coming in Georgia on March 12, and Ohio and Arizona on March 19.

Why? Because he thinks Arab Americans are playing a game of chicken. The silly one-flew-over-the-cuckoo goose.

He thinks the Zionists love him for what he’s done for Israel. He does not believe they got even better promises from every candidate for President on both isles.

The silly and idiotic goose.

Zionists Don’t Care Who Becomes President

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