10 Drugs Out of 4254 is Not a Remarkable Win

10 Drugs Out of 4254 is Not a Remarkable Win
US vs. Global Insulin Prices

If one reads the headlines of the recently passed The Inflation Reduction Act Bill (TIRA), one would think the celebratory accolades the Democrats are imparting themselves with are indeed well worth it. And not until you read the fine print, one would realize how puny and inconsequential this Bill truly is on one of the most popular issue of our times: Reducing drug prices. An issue that 83% of Americans fully back after the pharmaceuticals have been taking them to the cleaners year-in and year-out for over a century. The ability of Medicare to negotiate, starting in 2026, the prices of 10 drugs out of 4254 approved drugs in not a remarkable win.

It’s not miraculous, nor freakishly spectacular as the White House would want you to believe. If anything, it is the very essence of mediocrity. One that the Republicans, like gun control, would never give relief to their constituents.

President Joe Biden, as small as this win is, had no choice but to run with it to boost his sagging poll numbers. One has to thank Senator Joe Manchin for this mediocrity.

Yes, 10 out of 4254 drugs this country manufactures post FDA approvals is best to nothing, but do we have a long way to go before politicians in this country start growing a conscious. Especially, the Republican politicians who only seem to care about making money for the 28% of white men in this country controlling 80% of the economy.

You watch, some GOP Senators will start taking credit for passing The Inflation Reduction Act, and their voters are none the wiser.


83% of Americans support drug cost reduction, which includes the sky high prices of Insulin. Yet, all Republicans voted against it. Why? Because they know how gullible their voters are in the red backward counties. They know that they could spin it to their advantage and their voters would swallow their lies lock, stock, and barrel.

All Republicans voted against the Bill. But not before stripping the $35 Insulin price cap knowing how easy for their ignorant voters in backward counties to believe their lies. All they have to do is spin their lack of empathy to justify lowering the Insulin prices. Call it the stupidity of their voters’ ignorance. Or, rather, the unintended consequences of believing every lie their Representatives tell them.

Even at $35, the United States would remain on top of the pyramid in terms of insulin costs. Does greed has a breaking point? Apparently not.

Just like the Big Lie, the GOP politicians promote millions of lies and half-truths every year to their constituents because they know they can get away with it. Just add that none of the GOP Senators voted for Medicare to negotiate 10 drugs out of 4254 to that long list of lies.

You watch, some GOP Senators will start taking credit for passing The Inflation Reduction Act, and their voters are none the wiser.

10 Drugs Out of 4254 is Not a Remarkable Win

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