A Muslim Ban Is Still Better Than The Genocide of Muslims

A Muslim Ban Is Still Better Than The Genocide of Muslims
The Terror of Israel. A Muslim Ban Is Still Better Than The Genocide of Muslims

On Tuesday, February 27, Michigan primary voters are going to cast their votes for their preferred candidates for 2024. On the ballot for the Democrats are Joe Biden, Dean Phillips, Marianne Williamson and, according to the will of the large Arab American community, the “uncommitted” vote they intend to insert in the ballot. To mitigate the anger of the Arab American voters, Biden operatives are reminding Michigan that Trump banned Muslims. This argument is as poor as they come because Arab Americans are responding with their own logical riposte, “a Muslim ban is still better than the genocide of Muslims in Gaza that the President is perpetrating and perpetuating”.

The Biden argument also demonstrates how little regard the Biden campaign has for the Arab American community when it treats them as if they were idiots. In their mind, a ban is worse than a genocide.

There is no doubt about it that the racism and the bigotry of Joe Biden is becoming contractually contagious. His staff have caught the MAGA disease.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Layla Elabed, and Abdullah Hammoud may not know it yet, but all Arabs and Muslims around the world will be watching Michigan tomorrow. Their voices and their votes are as global as they come.


Not that we favor the other racist running for office, but give us a break. Nothing is worse than what Joe Biden has done in Gaza. Absolutely nothing that Donald Trump could do could be worse. Besides, Trump is going to spend his days avenging his domestic enemies, which many Arab Americans would hope Israel might not be as much on his mind.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, is going to keep kissing Netanyahu’s ass until he drops dead.

It is not about who is worse because both are. Rather, it is about who will have the time to harm Arabs and Muslims more. If any of the extremist idiots in Israel, like Ben-Gvir and Smotrich, criticize Trump publicly, Trump would respond by punishing all of Israel. Biden, on the other hand, even if suckered punched, would simply take it on both cheeks without uttering a sound.

How dare they say a Muslim ban is worse than the genocide of Muslims in Gaza. Out of touch, or napping. Either way, Biden deserves to move into a home of assisted-living come November, not the White House.

We hope Michiganders stand by their leaders in Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Layla Elabed, and Abdullah Hammoud by writing “uncommitted” on their ballots. These brave leaders may not know it yet, but all Arabs and Muslims around the world will be watching Michigan tomorrow.

Their voices and their votes are as global as they come.

A Muslim Ban Is Still Better Than The Genocide of Muslims

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