A War Criminal Is Loose in the Halls of Congress

A War Criminal Is Loose in the Halls of Congress
A War Criminal Is Loose in the Halls of Congress

What is happening to our country? Really, what is going on? Israel seems to have stolen our moral compass with its nefarious and anti-American influence on our foreign and domestic politics. It has damaged our image and contaminated our politics, and from afar, it seems that our Congress is an extension of the Israeli parliament, taking its orders from the most despicable humans in Israel. In fact, a war criminal is loose in the halls of Congress, and our leaders seem oblivious to its impact on the long-term interests of our nation. How is that possible, we ask?

What did Hitler know about the Zionists of Europe to force him to commit the Holocaust, we wonder? Because their sons and daughters are today in Israel, committing unbelievable atrocities. We wonder if the same Zionists would have done the same to Europe if Hitler had not intervened first to defend against their violence. One has to read Mein Kampf to answer that question, we believe.

Today, the Zionists committing Genocide in Gaza all came from Europe. But instead of taking the moral high road, Congress decided to let Benjamin Netanyahu, a war criminal, loose in the halls of Congress.

Historians, in the future, may point to this invitation by Congress as the beginning of the end of the American Empire. Just as the murder of Archduke Ferdinand sparked World War I.

What did Hitler know about the Zionists of Europe to force him to commit the Holocaust, we wonder?


In a statement issued by Rep. Jerry Nadler, the most senior Jewish member of Congress, he called Netanyahu “the worst leader in Jewish history”. Even hardcore and committed Zionists, like Nadler, are beginning to realize the harm Netanyahu has done to Israel.

His “cynical stunt” as Nadler called it, to appear before Congress, will not save Israel from its new status as a pariah and a terrorist state sniping children and bombing civilians hiding in tents.

It seems everyone knows that Benjamin Netanyahu is a war criminal on par with Adolf Hitler, except our venerable Congress and both the Democratic and the Republican Parties. In America, we are blessed with a cowardly Congress that bows down to AIPAC, which legitimizes crimes against humanity.

Shame on all those who pocketed Zionist money and sold their souls to the highest bidder to listen to a war criminal eager to get us involved in another war with Iran.


It should come to no one as a surprise for those who have followed the transformation of the Israeli society ever since the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu ascended to power. Netanyahu butchering civilians really started that journey since that genocidal maniac, some 15 years ago, became the Prime Minister of Israel.

During all this time, he concentrated all the energy of his government on the dehumanization of the Palestinian people. Not only Hamas, but all the Palestinians, knowing well the army would face an enemy it could only defeat if it broke all laws and committed all kinds of atrocities.

In February 2024, The Lancet published an article in which it described the deliberate murder of Palestinian health workers, to include Médecins sans frontières (MSF) doctors. The authors described it as follows:

We saw this dehumanization when the Israeli Defense Minister told the world on Oct. 9, 2023, that Israel would be depriving Palestinians of necessities, such as fuel and water, because Israel is “fighting human animals”The Lancet - February 16, 2024

Furthermore, in an article Haaretz published on August 3, 2023, before the October attack, and which it titled: “From the First Grade to the Grave, Israelis Are Taught to Dehumanize Palestinians” is clear evidence that Israel has been moving towards the Gaza Genocide for some time now.

Haaretz is a much respected Israeli newspaper. It knows what it is talking about.

This is the man U.S. Congress invited. Shame on all those who pocketed Zionist money and sold their souls to the highest bidder to listen to a war criminal eager to get us involved in another war with Iran.

Shame on the U.S. Congress.

A War Criminal Is Loose in the Halls of Congress

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