How Evangelical Christians Dehumanize People

How Evangelical Christians Dehumanize People
How Evangelical Christians Dehumanize People

The Christian hate that some Evangelicals harbor for those who don’t believe, or follow in their footsteps, has culminated in the Colorado Springs attack that killed 5 people and injured 19. It all starts by fomenting hate online by the extremist Christians and their surrogates, such as one with the handle Libs on TikTok, which has been spreading venom against the gay community since 2020. This is how Evangelical Christians dehumanize people to the point of extreme violence.

Was that the message of Jesus? Did he sacrifice himself for his followers to hate and for others to kill based on that enmity?

To the haters, it matters little what Jesus Christ stood for. They stand for hatred instead of love, judgment instead of tolerance, and exclusion instead of inclusion. How is that a Christian thing?

Just like the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS dehumanize the unbelievers. The same ilk, different religions.


Evangelical Christians have accused the LGBTQ people of the most horrendous acts to lead to their dehumanization. For example, Steven Andrew from the USA Christian Church, has named March 2020 as the “Repent of LGBT Sin Month” to protect “the USA from diseases, such as the Coronavirus.”

Accusing the LGBTQ communities of creating the COVID pandemic is as low as one gets with these ignorant miscreants. Its purpose is to dehumanize them, which over time leads people to purchase an A/R 15 war weapon and use it to kill the innocent. Should those who spread false accusations that end up causing violence not be held accountable for their rhetoric? Should the hate crimes, already on the books, not extend to the LGBTQ communities as it extends to those practicing their religious rights?

Furthermore, should we not lock up Steven Andrew of the USA Christian Church for spreading lies that end up killing people? He, and others like him, are dehumanizing those they don’t agree with to the point of extreme violence.

For those who want to witness bigotry in its purest of forms should read about the Nashville Statement affirming religious traditional century-old beliefs over modern realities. You think extremist Muslims are the only backward-looking and backward-thinking people? Look no further than our very own backyard where extremist Christians are harassing non-believers and marginalizing them to drive their followers to commit mass murder.

Just like the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS dehumanize the unbelievers. The same ilk, different religions.

Americans are heading to the exit doors when it comes to denying them a more liberal society.


In 2017, the HuffPost published an article in which they cited some statistics to indicate why the Evangelical Christians are revolting against the LGBTQ communities.

The article states:

There has been a growing trend toward acceptance of LGBT people over the last several years. For example, Americans opposed gay marriage by 57% in 2001, but by 2017, 62% supported it. Today, two-thirds of Catholics and white, mainline Protestants support it, as well as, 35% of white evangelicals. White evangelical support has risen by 8% just since 2016. Not surprisingly, regardless of religious affiliation, nearly 75% of millennials, those born after 1980 according to Pew Research, supported same-sex marriage in 2015, and acceptance among all age groups has grown substantially in the last 10 years. HuffPost by Tim Rymel - August 31, 2017

Americans are heading to the exit doors when it comes to denying them a more liberal society. The disapproval ratings of the majority conservative Supreme Court stands at 58%. Even Trump fares better. This explains fully the aim of the extremists in the Evangelical Christians movement to stop the tide by dehumanizing those they disagree with.

Folks, we are already waging a war against ourselves. Stop hate in churches and online before it destroys the very fabric of what Americanism stands for.


Well, it won’t work over time. What happened to Colorado Spring is galvanizing the LGBTQ communities to act against their predators. Watch for more political muscle flexing in the upcoming elections in 2024.

Whatever happens, we cannot let hate become a standard that freedom of speech protects unconditionally. If one’s rhetoric of hate leads to violence, those who wage wars against others must be held to account. Otherwise, with 400 millions weapons in America, we would certainly turn into a country of small war zones.

Just think of how many mass murderers happened in 10 days. Between November 13 and November 22, we had Colorado Springs, the University of Virginia, and Walmart in Virginia.

Folks, we are already waging a war against ourselves. Stop hate in churches and online before it destroys the very fabric of what Americanism stands for.

How Evangelical Christians Dehumanize People

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