Anatomy of an Israeli Deception: How Bibi Conned Biden

Anatomy of an Israeli Deception: How Bibi Conned Biden
Anatomy of an Israeli Deception: How Bibi Conned Biden

In the inner circles of the beltway in Washington, it is no secret how long it takes Joe Biden to make a decision. By far, he is one of the most indecisive presidents to ever sit in the Oval Office of the White House, so when on October 8, he demonstrated to the world that he has already made up his mind to back Israel unconditionally with lethal weapons, it took all those who know about his weakness by a total surprise. The speed by which Biden acted provided a golden opportunity for Netanyahu, who already knew about the attack, to deceive Biden for his own sinister goals. The great Israeli war on civilians represents the anatomy of an Israeli deception campaign in which Benjamin Netanyahu conned Biden for the purpose of ethnically cleansing Gaza.

But Biden, being a weak President, could not and would not reveal he was conned. The most he did was to curse Netanyahu and made it public only to appease the Arab-American voters who hold him under a Damocles Sword in Michigan.

To prove our point, look how long it took him to support Ukraine as he sent the country weapons by the buckets in a drip-drip fashion with conditions attached such as Ukraine could not bomb Russia.

“Just shut up and don’t say a word, Mr. President”, probably AIPAC told Biden.


Netanyahu’s con started with a bunch of lies that no one talks about today. Remember the Israeli witnesses who said Hamas hanged babies on clotheslines? Total lie that Ishay Coen, the journalist who published the story based on what the Israeli army told him, retracted it officially later. Or the one that Biden himself repeated publicly that claimed Hamas beheaded babies. Biden still repeats that lie today, even though he knows it is false. Why? So, he does not look like the idiot the Israelis took him for a ride.

We believe that Benjamin Netanyahu convinced Biden that Israel must finish Hamas, but he failed to say how. And our idiot President did not ask the right questions because it was time for one of his daily naps.

Later on, when Biden discovered that Netanyahu is out for blood, women and children included, he would have looked like a fool if he stopped the genocidal Netanyahu. So, he stayed quiet and silent, which is exactly what Israel wanted him to do. “Just shut up and don’t say a word, Mr. President”, probably AIPAC told Biden.

What is the lesson every U.S. President should learn from the Biden abominable legacy? Next time around, stay neutral. Don’t fall for Israeli cons and ruses, and don’t antagonize Arab-American voters, either.


Israel knew that deceiving Biden would be an easy task to achieve its goal of ethnically cleansing Gaza. It has known the man for over 40 years, and the profile the Israeli Mossad has of him would, most likely, make every American voter cry from hurt or laughter. Netanyahu pulled his deception, and the rest, as they say, is history. That of Biden alone, the fool.

In reality, Israel has tied Biden in knots. If he asks for a ceasefire, American Jewish voters may abandon him. If he does not, Arab-American voters would certainly do.

What is the lesson every U.S. President should learn from the Biden abominable legacy? Next time around, stay neutral. Don’t fall for Israeli cons and ruses, and don’t antagonize Arab-American voters, either.

Today, they have more power than ever before, and they are more than willing to use it.

Anatomy of an Israeli Deception: How Bibi Conned Biden

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