Biden is Not Learning Like Bush Did

Biden is Not Learning Like Bush Did
Biden is Not Learning Like Bush Did

Seven months after making the decision to dive head first in the shallow pool of support for Israeli apartheid, Joe Biden finds himself embroiled on multiple fronts from the mistakes he is making. Essentially, giving Benjamin Netanyahu the most lethal weapons unconditionally, which the sick maniac has used to kill thousands of women and children with no regard for international laws or human rights. Recall the Iraq War? When George Bush fell in the Zionist trap by pursuing ghost WMD in Iraq, which apparently threatened Israel, Bush had the common sense of hitting the reset button with the help of Condoleezza Rice and cut his losses quickly. Today, it is obvious that Biden is not learning like Bush did, as he continues to send weapons to Israel, unconditionally, even though the majority of Americans stand against this policy.

The truth is that those policies are causing domestic and international turmoil, but Biden mule-like stubbornness goes unchecked. Stubborn Presidents end up costing people their lives.

Biden could also cut his losses by halting all weapons to Israel, but, unfortunately, with a cabinet stacked with Zionists, the old man is clueless how they are sacrificing his legacy for the sake of Israel.

He is either unable to figure out how to cut his losses, or the Zionists he surrounded himself with will not let him. Take your pick.

Soon enough, criticizing Israel is going to land Americans in jail, and to hell with our First Amendment Rights.


Condoleezza Rice was a true American patriot who saw how Israel was harming US interests, which led to the killing of our armed forces in Iraq. Not so with Antony Blinken, who sees himself as a Jew first. His main focus is to help Israel, and if he had any patriotic sense of duty, he would implore Joe Biden to stop arming Israel, and instead seek a ceasefire.

Especially because he knows that Israel would never defeat Hamas. After this war on Gaza, there are tens of thousands of Palestinians who would be willing to bear arms to fight Israel. The more Israel kills women and children, the more Hamas recruits, the more terror in the future, and the more Netanyahu can lead Biden by his nose to fight Israel’s wars. It’s by design.

The best way to oil the machine of the military industrial complex is to mass murder women and children.

Blinken is but a Zionist traitor to his country. If he loved this country, he would realize the futility of defeating Hamas, and act upon this reality to save the reputation of the United States. Or, at least, contain the Israel runaway train wreck the young people in America are asking him to contain.

Instead, Blinken, and his ilk, are doubling down. Already, criticizing Israel is landing our young American students in jail, and to hell with our First Amendment Rights.

When it comes to Israel, America has become a dictatorship. Not under Donald Trump, but under Joe Biden.

Biden is Not Learning Like Bush Did

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