Biden Pursuing the Non-Educated Voters at the Expense of the Educated

Biden Pursuing the Non-Educated Voters at the Expense of the Educated

Biden, when it comes to increasing the popularity of the Democratic Party among voters, has been concentrating all his efforts on catering to the Trump blue-collar supporters whose votes are essential in three swing states. But while this seems to be a smart strategy, Biden policies pursuing the non-educated voters, mostly whites, is chipping away at his popularity with the educated student debtor voters. Mainly, the college-educated minorities and millennials who are looking for student debt relief only to watch the President meet them with a wall of silence.

Any success at attracting the votes of the non-educated whites will be marginal at best, but losing a big chunk of the 45 million strong student debtors will be disastrous for the Democrats. By losing I mean student debtors sitting out the mid-term and the 2024 presidential elections.

Sincerely, Biden is taking the support of the young millennials for granted while he bats for the non-educated whites in this country. Many of whom have sworn an irrevocable allegiance to Trump.

By maintaining the pressure through culture wars, the Republicans, in effect, are neutralizing Biden’s strategy.


So far, the President has little to show for. There are no tangible signs his policies aimed at re-calibrating the economic inequalities the GOP inflicted upon the middle class over the last 40 years are having the desired impact of corralling the blue-collar white workers across the country.

By maintaining the pressure through culture wars, the Republicans, in effect, are neutralizing Biden’s strategy. Add to this equation the immense ignorance prevailing among these voters and their gullibility when it comes to believing the GOP lies, and it is safe to say that there would be no mass capitulation. Biden’s popularity among the high school educated white workers remains a mirage. A wishful thinking of sort.

Ronald Brownstein writes for CNN:

“The electoral danger” in Biden’s strategy of focusing so heavily on recapturing blue-collar voters, says Steve Phillips, founder of the advocacy group Democracy in Color, is that “Democrats will be so focused on not alienating Whites that they will mute the policy agenda that could excite the sectors of the electorate which are much more receptive.” And those voting blocs, Phillips adds, “people of color and young people, are also the growing parts of the population.”CNN by Ronald Brownstein - August 10, 2021

In other words, don’t go after the stubborn gander leaving the willing golden goose behind.

Let us hope the people Biden surrounded himself with are too smart to continue supporting a policy once it proves to be naive.


Ignoring the forgiveness of student loans is tantamount to Hillary Clinton ignoring the rank and file labor unions in the 2016 elections. It will come back to bite the President sooner than later.

Grant you that we are still in the first year of Biden’s presidency. The President has time to reverse course, if his blue-collar strategy fails, before the 2022 mid-term elections, which will be gerrymandered to the hilt by the GOP.

However, given Biden’s past erratic behavior — the Crime Bill of 1994 comes to mind — and his historic connections to the Delaware banking sector, I am not certain this President is able to regain his footing should his policies keep ignoring 45 million voters and their parents.

My belief is that Biden has Plans B and C in place just in case. If he does not, the Democrats are in trouble in too many ways to count. Not only because of the GOP voter suppression laws they are enacting across this nation but also because Biden got distracted during the first two years of his presidency in pursuing a hopeless strategy.

Let us hope I am wrong. Let us hope the people Biden surrounded himself with are too smart to continue supporting a policy once it proves to be naive. The sooner this happens, the better Biden can recover from his tragic errand.

Biden Pursuing the Non-Educated Voters at the Expense of the Educated

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