Bravo to Liz Cheney for Her Valor and Courage

Bravo to Liz Cheney for Her Valor and Courage

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) has agreed to serve on the 1/6 Commission Congress voted for to investigate the events and the people that stood behind the domestic terrorism of January 6. Her acceptance and inclusion makes the investigation bipartisanship whether Mitch McConnell or Joe McCarthy like it or not. I say Bravo to Liz Cheney for her valor and courage in participating in one of the most important investigations of our history that we hope will lead to uncovering the truth about the horrible Trump presidency.

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell and his hacks in the Senate can sob and moan all they like. It is time for the American people to know the truth about who was involved and who did what during this dark period in the history of the United States.

While this is taking place, Trump is facing tax trouble in the State of New York, and his business mini empire might crumble under the weight of so many investigations. Is it too much asking for justice against someone who breaks the laws at will?

I wish for the con artist Trump to continue to divide the Republican Party because of its policies of serving the very rich at the expense of the middle class.


I am not one to agree with the policies of the GOP. And I would certainly disagree with almost anything Liz Cheney might vote for that would expand the income inequality gap. But at this moment, and under such narrow circumstances that could lead to the truth about Trump, I applaud what she is doing. Even though deep down, I wish for the con artist Trump to continue to divide the Republican Party because of its policies of serving the very rich at the expense of the middle class.

As I said before, capitalism makes our country powerful and prosperous; but runaway lawless capitalism that forces people to go bankrupt because they cannot pay their health bills, or students to delay buying a home because of student debt is harming our country. Ever so slowly as the economic data shows.

So, no to the Republican Party, but yes to Liz Cheney to uncover the 1/6 truth.

No to the Republican Party, but yes to Trump to continue dividing it. To stop the party from implementing more policies to serve only the very rich. Especially when Mitch McConnell remains a force to steer it against the working American public.

Liz Cheney intends to make those who spread these lies pay the price for their treasonous behavior. This is her duty to save our democracy.


It is our hope that the future Commission would be able to identify all the Republicans who participated in the coup against their own government. We cannot rest until we know who these people are, and then take the serious steps of holding them accountable for their actions. No, censure, or even removing them from the House or the Senate, is not enough. Any lawmakers who participated in this act of sedition must pay the price with their physical freedom. Period. Full stop. Don’t anyone dare to argue for mercy.

Anything less is just another sign that there are two justices in this country. One for the white privileged person, and the other for the rest of the country.

The active involvement of Liz Cheney who has her core values squarely centered on the future of the Republican Party might just be the ticket that would hold those who strayed under the tutelage of Trump accountable for their betrayal of the Constitution. Cheney will not whitewash  the actions of her colleagues because her patriotic temperament is as balanced and as accurate as they come.

Cheney will neither politicize, nor conceal the facts about January 6. She fully understands the consequences of a lying former President shedding doubt about our elections. Imagine if, going forward, half the country never believes the outcome of any election to grasp the danger of Donald Trump.

Liz Cheney intends to make those who spread these lies pay the price for their treasonous behavior. This is her duty to save our democracy.

Bravo to Liz Cheney for Her Valor and Courage

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