Calls for Unity Should Begin with Truth Telling

Calls for Unity Should Begin with Truth Telling

If the Republican Party wants unity, maybe its leaderships’ calls for unity should begin with truth telling to expose Donald Trump’s lie of the century. Tell them to tell their constituents that no one rigged the elections. Tell them to tell their public that President-elect Joe Biden won fair and square. We should tell them to tell their voters that Donald Trump lied to them.

The GOP talking point, someone manufactured to undo the violence of the 2021 Insurrection, is to seek unity. It’s the racist way of saying let us stop the impeachment, the investigations, the arrests, and erase the 1/6/2021 memory all together. Let us just unite to forget it all. Oh, and by the way, how about we all dance the Jitter Bug on the floor of the Chambers? All the while, the same unity callers refuse to tell Trump supporters that the President lied to them.

Don’t you think unity starts by accusing Donald Trump of manufacturing the biggest lie of this century? I do. And so should you.

Every Republican who supported Trump and became an instrument that led to the Insurrection should tell the world Trump lied. Otherwise, the same underground anger will always remain a national security threat.

I am flabbergasted Democrats are not pressing these buttons to save the Republic.

Whereas, we always knew who Trump was, Americans slowly are beginning to discover the miscreants elected to office are also the most cowardly of creatures.


The Trump damage to the Republican brand is immense. Not only did this President concoct a lie for the most ardent GOP supporters to mistrust elections in the future, but he also disconnected the Republican Party from its constituents. All because he lied to them while the GOP leadership either adjudicated the lie or took to the sideline with their silence.

How often do you see a politician shy away from a media microphone just to avoid rendering an opinion about their leader’s misdeed?

Whereas, we always knew who Trump was, Americans slowly are beginning to discover the miscreants elected to office are also the most cowardly of creatures. With the exception of the very few like Senator Mitt Romney, the late Senator John McCain, and Rep. Liz Cheney with nine of her colleagues who impeached the President, everyone else bent over backwards to keep Trump lies alive.

Today, most of them find themselves torn between continuing to lie to keep their base happy, or breaking from Donald Trump to begin healing the wounds of their party. Well, 147 Republican Representatives chose to continue the lie. Should we not force them to stand up to Trump if they want unity? The fact that they are asking to turn a new page while they refuse to repudiate Trump and his lies goes to the heart of America’s broken political system; and why only 17% of Americans trust their own government.

We should blame both political parties for often selecting dishonest Representatives to run for office. 147 Republicans represent 70% of the GOP in Congress.

Both Houses of Congress should consider Resolutions asking the deniers of truth to speak to their constituents about how Joe Biden won the elections.


Both Houses of Congress should consider Resolutions asking the deniers of truth to speak to their constituents about how Joe Biden won the elections; in addition to telling them that Donald Trump has lied to them. Let these Resolutions make the news headlines across this land as a deterrent for future big lies. Let the Republicans, like Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz, who have been carrying water for Trump for four years, come clean about their deceptions.

How could we lower the temperature among Trump supporters if their leaders continue to lie to them, which only adds gasoline on the fire? If Representatives Jim Jordan and Kevin McCarthy want unity, let them send a mass email to their constituents in which they denounce Trump’s “Stop the Steal” big lie.

Not as punishment to the two Congressmen, but to save the Republic from further violence.

Except we know that their racism and bigotry cannot allow for such magnanimity. The higher the temperature, the more they benefit from an angry and motivated mob. It suits every Republican who tried to overturn the elections to keep their base motivated with anger.

So now, it’s up to the Democrats to force the issue by passing some Truth Resolutions.

Calls for Unity Should Begin with Truth Telling

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