Complicity and Boots on the Ground Are the Same

Complicity and Boots on the Ground Are the Same
Complicity and Boots on the Ground Are the Same

The war Israel has been waging since October 7, and which resulted in making Gaza uninhabitable, has left a deep global scar on U.S. foreign policy, and in particular the legacy of Joe Biden. Most importantly, and because of student protests, it showed us that war crimes complicity and boots on the ground are the same for this Gen Z younger generation. At the end of the day, whether our armed forces die in battle, or not, the younger American people, from all religious backgrounds, see complicity in war crimes just as dangerous and as detrimental to our country.

Joe Biden cannot go anywhere today without facing the music of his unhinged foreign policy responsible for the death of over 15,000 children in Gaza. Not just outside the hotel hosting the White House Correspondent Dinner, but protests will probably be in force at Morehouse College, where Biden will deliver the Commencement speech.

The same will be true in Chicago this summer, where the DNC is holding its convention. It is highly likely that thousands of students and everyday Americans might show up to highlight Biden’s complicity in the war on the women and children of Gaza. Our boys do not have to die in wars for Americans to rise because this new generation is demonstrating that collusion and abetment are as important a reason to stand up to their government’s policies.

While the world witnesses the Gen Z student protests’ spread like wildfire, it has taken the baby boomer Joe Biden, and his partner AIPAC, by total surprise.


The divide between the Gen Z and the baby boomers generation is one of the most notable in the history of America. Since World War II, we don’t recall such a difference of cultural standards among any other successive generations.

The Millennials, mostly, toed the line, and so did Gen X. Although both generations manifested themselves during the Iraq War, but only after U.S. soldiers began to die in big numbers. Theirs was not about US complicity or participation in the murder of women and children. It was solely about our boys dying for an unnecessary war to help Israel.

Even the Abu Ghraib outrage, where the US tortured and abused Sunni Iraqis loyal to Saddam Hussein, was muted.

While the world witnesses the student protests’ spread like wildfire, even though only three brave soldiers have died so far from an unprovoked attack, it has taken the baby boomer Joe Biden, and his partner AIPAC, by total surprise. He is so out of touch with his own citizens that the student protests have pushed all the panic buttons at his campaign HQ.

The question is: Will more Americans vote for Trump’s law and order, or fewer Americans vote for Biden’s war crimes?


US history of student protests against the Vietnam War in 1968 in none other than Chicago during Hubert Humphrey Democratic convention is a five alarm runaway fire for Joe Biden. Richard Nixon won the elections that year because the Democrats could not control the antiwar movement.

Joe Biden finds himself facing the same dilemma today. Too much violence against the students and the women would abandon his candidacy, and too little violence and the men would abandon him. Especially because Donald Trump’s main convention theme has been “law and order”. The same theme that opened the door for Nixon to win the White House in 1968.

In the eyes of Gen Z, war crimes complicity and boots on the ground are one and the same.

The question is: Will more Americans vote for Trump’s law and order, or fewer Americans vote for Biden’s war crimes? It seems voters want Donald Trump.

Complicity and Boots on the Ground Are the Same

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