Did Trump Sell Iranian Missile Secrets to Saudi Arabia?

Did Trump Sell Iranian Missile Secrets to Saudi Arabia
Did Trump Sell Iranian Missile Secrets to Saudi Arabia

With the exception of few million cult followers, to include Nazi sympathizers and white racists, almost everyone in America knows that Donald Trump is a con man of the first order. It’s one grift after another ever since the world found out Trump is just a blimp full of hot air because he is unable to make it on his own in New York. Following this truth, why did the Fuhrer Trump steal top secret documents to include some about Iran, a nemesis of Saudi Arabia? Did Trump sell Iranian missile secrets to Saudi Arabia as part of a scheme to con the gullible Mohammad bin Salman in return for cash? What use are these documents to Donald Trump except for another con job?

If the intent is to sell these secrets, has Trump copied and sold the information already? Or did our intelligence community catch him before he could deliver to the Saudis these highly sensitive materials? You cannot but ask these questions in light of finding how illogical are Trumps’ actions.

What favors someone like Kushner may have done for the Saudis? How about delivering top secret documents about the Iranian missile program?


If the answer is a definite yes to the selling part, who delivered the documents to Saudi Arabia? Was Jared Kushner trip to Riyadh to collect $2billion from the Saudis connected in any form to these secret documents? Bloomberg asked the question: How did Jared Kushner collect $2billions from the Saudis when he has no track record as an investor? The article could not answer that question without connecting Kushner to his father-in-law. This leads us to ask our question above.

The article mentions Walter Shaub, an outspoken critic of financial conflicts in the Trump White House. As a result, Shaub resigned from his post as director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics. Shaub said:

“It’s just a complete free-for-all. The real concern here is that the public has no way of knowing exactly what favors someone like Kushner may have done for the Saudis.”Bloomberg by Timothy L. O'Brien - April 11, 2022

Are you connecting these dots now? What favors someone like Kushner may have done for the Saudis? How about delivering top secret documents about the Iranian missile program? With the promise of delivering much more once Trump is back in the White House?

There are lots of dots to connect here. Some may and others may not. Asking these questions certainly opens the mind to seeking the right answers.

Maybe the Department of Justice might find the connection between the $2billions Kushner whisked away from the Saudis and its discovery at Mar-a-Lago.


Does answering the Kushner mystery not also solve another mystery? Does it not also explain Donald Trump’s evasive action when caught red-handed after the FBI raid?

First, we come to find out, he tried to subvert the truth by asking one of his gullible lawyers to sign an affidavit claiming he had no secret documents in his possession.

Fast forward to the FBI raid and Trump changes his tune quickly. It was the FBI that planted the evidence. Here is a twist to stir the anger of his dumb followers.

Then, it was about Trump declassifying the documents just by “thinking about it”. Remember that doozy?

From the get go, Trump has tried to hide the documents, or mask his intent for their use, by claiming any crazy idea that came to his mind. In light of what we know today, does it not make sense that Trump tried to sell these secrets to the Saudis using the only man he could trust to guard his secrets?

Maybe the Department of Justice might find the connection between the $2billions Kushner whisked away from the Saudis and its discovery at Mar-a-Lago. So far, it seems, no one has connected these dots because the FBI has yet to interview Jared Kushner.

Did Trump Sell Iranian Missile Secrets to Saudi Arabia?

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