Does Israel Have The Right To Defend Itself?

Does Israel Have The Right To Defend Itself?
Does Israel Have The Right To Defend Itself?

The “Israel has the right to defend itself” is the only excuse every western leader utters to hide behind the Zionist atrocities Israel is committing in Gaza. The logic dictates that we visit this argument when the whole world knows that Israelis are mostly Europeans who, when promised free lands, and free homes, immigrated to Palestine, and stole, and keep stealing today, everything from the Palestinian people. Theft is synonymous with Zionism, and the only thesaurus word to describe its evil. Under these circumstances, everyone must ask the quintessential question.

Does Israel have the right to defend itself? Yes, but it has no right to complain about any Arab attacking it or its people. The rightful owners want what is theirs back. Israel is the thief that stole the lands of the Palestinians through violence and terror.

This recent video proves our point.

Nations who steal lands from other people have no right to cry wolf when the indigenous people fight back to take what’s theirs.

Of course, we do not expect Joe Biden, of Irish origins whose ancestors stole the land from the indigenous Indians of America, to understand this simple concept. Nor do we expect the Europeans, who breathed a sigh of relief when they got rid of the Zionists, to ever oppose Israel.

They just don’t want these vile and evil people back on their soil.

Today’s Gaza children are tomorrow freedom fighters. Israel will never rest easy until it goes back to its 1967 borders.


Even when Israel entered into negotiations with the Palestinians for a two-state solution, it never took this issue seriously. Israel was always founded on the notion its borders extend from the Euphrates in Iraq to the Nile in Egypt. So, how could the Zionists accept to live with Arabs with such a devious plan? Israel was never interested in a two-state solution.

In 2024, Israel is destroying Gaza to occupy it fully. By 2034, it will attack Lebanon to occupy it a well. And so for every ten years, until it occupies every inch between the two rivers. Nothing will stop Israel but the threat of an atomic bomb the United States is making sure no enemy of Israel can acquire or build one.

This gives the Arabs and the Muslims in the region the rights to attack Israel anytime to defend from its sinister and expansionist aims. Does Israel have the right to defend itself? It can try, but it will always live in fear of another war and another attack. Arabs have more rights to defend against Israel than Israel, as a terrorist nation and an occupier of Arab lands, could ever have.

Don’t think the Gaza genocide and destruction are going to discourage future generations of Palestinians and Arabs from taking up arms, learn from their lessons, and hold true to their goals of freeing their lands from a terrorist occupier.

Today’s children of Gaza are tomorrow’s freedom fighters. Israel will never rest easy until it goes back to its 1967 borders.

Does Israel Have The Right To Defend Itself?

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