Either Trump Dies or Our Democracy Dies

Either Trump Dies or Our Democracy Dies

If you watched, read, or heard the words Donald Trump uttered during his Texas rally, you will come to the same conclusion as I have. Either Trump dies or our democracy dies. The man is threatening to send his well-armed Confederate supporters into the streets, à la January 6, across the whole nation in order to stop the States of New York and Georgia from holding him accountable. If the Biden presidency yields to such threats, Trump will not hesitate again to unleash his supporters for any reason, and at any time. We can put this dangerous genie back into the bottle by federally indicting Trump, or hope that he contracts a disease and dies.

This is what Trump said:

“If these radical, vicious, racist prosecutors do anything wrong or illegal, I hope we are going to have in this country the biggest protest we have ever had in Washington, D.C.; in New York; in Atlanta; and elsewhere, because our country and our elections are corrupt”Fuhrer Trump - January 29, 2022
Garland has evidence of fake electors, for heaven’s sake. What is he waiting for?


When saying “anything wrong or illegal”, the Fuhrer means that both New York and Georgia might hold him accountable for the many crimes he has committed. By weaponizing his dumb supporters, he is telling us that he is above the law.

Imagine the Chutzpah of that deranged and racist man. I am telling you, either Trump dies or our democracy dies. This dangerous con man will not stop until he returns to power to suspend the Constitution and run the country like Adolph Hitler did to Germany. Mostly through exercising his powers to exact revenge and personal vendettas on all those he considers his enemies. Hitler, during WWII, did the same against all the allied countries that signed the Treaty of Versailles.

Death by some disease or a heart attack is all we are praying for to save this country. Or, maybe we can get him on some rocket to send to some far away planet. Just like the ending of the movie “Don’t Look Up”. I am certain Jeff Bezos would be happy to pay for his one-way ticket.

Short of sudden death, Americans have no other way to protect their country from this madman. Joe Biden seems uninterested in rocking the boat, and Merrick Garland is … let’s say the worst Attorney-General in the history of mankind if he does not sum up the courage to indict Trump for his glaringly indisputable coup against the U.S. Government.

Garland has evidence of fake electors, for heaven’s sake. What is he waiting for?

Mr. Garland, can’t you, at least, issue a statement saying that no one is above the law in response to Trump’s Hitlerian bravado in Texas?


While Trump huffs and puffs to blow our democracy away, Merrick Garland is hiding under his desk. Not a word from this incompetent AG to assure the public that Trump “ain’t getting his way, no way”. Mr. Garland, can’t you, at least, issue a statement saying that no one is above the law in response to Trump’s Hitlerian bravado in Texas? Or is that too much asking, Merrick?

I am beginning to believe that Joe Biden and Merrick Garland will do nothing to stop Donald Trump. Is it fear? Or is it their non-confrontational personalities? Either explanation is inexcusable as the dangerous Trump grows bolder with his threats of raising and ordering a new Confederate army to march on Washington.

Could this be Trump’s ultimate plan to seize power permanently? Was the Texas rally a balloon test to see how his well-armed supporters might respond to his calls? I am not on any forum or platform that trades their treachery to be able to answer that question. But, it sounds like Trump may be forming his Brown Shirts units a full three years before the 2024 elections.

Through duplicity, Trump is duplicating the Nazi Party template that elevated Hitler to prominence. His Texas rally was a preview of things to come centered around dismantling the rule of law and threatening the republic..

Either Trump Dies or Our Democracy Dies

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