Even the US Recoils From the Evil of Israel

Even the US Recoils From the Evil of Israel
Even the US Recoils From the Evil of Israel

No other country on this planet has been so welcoming of Israeli atrocities, so protective of Israel’s immunity, and so generous in putting Israel ahead of its own people than the United States of America. But even with all the ironclad commitment to Israeli terror, there are times when even the US recoils from the evil of Israel. Such moment happened when Tsav-9, a settler terrorist group, which has continuously attacked humanitarian aid to starving Palestinians, was finally sanctioned by the White House.

Not that these Israeli terrorists care because the Tsav-9 settler terrorists represent the mindset of every Zionist alive.

Regardless of sanctions, the government of Netanyahu will most likely ignore, with Smotrich and Ben-Gvir backing Tsav-9 fully. Who is going to retaliate against the Israeli government if it ignored the US sanctions? Biden? Why not sanctions the leaders behind the terror of Tsav-9? The two clowns, named Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir.

It is highly likely that we will see these terrorists block even more humanitarian aid in the future. It is their way of spitting on Joe Biden, the way they always spit on the Christians of Jerusalem.

What better way than to starve everyone to death in Gaza. Just like Hitler gassed the Jews en masse in specially-built gas chambers. Either act violates international laws, but with Israel, the white Europeans can live with its terror against the brown people of the Middle East.

This is why many Jews believe Zionism is a temporary disease.


There is something truly cruel about secular Jews claiming God, an entity they do not believe exists, gave them the lands of the Palestinians. It’s the only time the likes of Netanyahu would mention God. It just does not add up if you do not believe in the Bible, or any religion for that matter. Zionists are stealing the land of another people under false pretenses, which makes the very existence of Israel unsustainable.

Treacherous and deceptive prophecies have a way of re-writing history with the blood of others before it becomes theirs.

Israel is an anomaly. It should not exist in Palestine, nor should the Jews who are spread all around the world make a commitment to Israel and also claim loyalty to the countries they are citizen of. You cannot be loyal to two countries simultaneously because if they ever face each other, the Jews have to commit to one or the other. Peaceful Jews, like Jewish Voices for Peace, fully understand that concept of loyalty.

This is why many Jews believe Zionism is a temporary disease, and this is why even the US recoils from the evil of Israel, sometimes.

The Zionist war on Gaza has brought forth the notion that if countries in the Middle East do not stop Israeli violence and terror, they will all, sooner than later, suffer from the death and violence of Israel.

Did the Taliban not secretly commit 100,000 fighters to Lebanon if Israel attacked Hezbollah? No one unites the Sunnis and the Shiites of Islam like Israel.


Muslim nations around the world who are witness to Zionism extreme violence on other Muslims are all rooting for Iran. It is the only country capable of confronting Israel, and even blowing the Zionist nation to smithereens.

Iran has the capacity to stop the flow of gas and oil to the West if attacked, which explains why the US has yet to bomb this Muslim country. One of the few it fears to attack. That does not mean it does not have plans to attack Iran, but the US treads carefully down that road.

Further, Iran has long ago committed to the destruction of the Zionist entity, mostly because of its brutal existence at the expense of innocent Muslims losing their lives and their possessions to their deadly ideology. Do not be surprised to see a far more aggressive Iran, knowing billions around the world support its mission of removing the Zionist cancer from Palestine.

Did the Taliban not secretly commit 100,000 fighters to Lebanon if Israel attacked Hezbollah? No one unites the Sunnis and the Shiites of Islam like Israel.

Even the US Recoils From the Evil of Israel

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