Harris Uphill Election Battle

Harris Uphill Election Battle
Israel is targeting the children of Gaza. Harris Uphill Election Battle

Because of a poll by the YouGov/IMEU Policy Project that the new Zeteo media company has brought to our attention, it seems that voters in swing states are not that excited about Kamala Harris after all. One-third of all voters in the States of Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia want Harris to commit to halting all weapon sales to Israel. Their motive, one has to assume, is not only to stop the genocide on Gaza, but also to make sure Israel does not repeat its terrorizing wars on other Arab countries. In short, Harris uphill election battle is pivoting around demonstrating a change of policy on Gaza and the halting of Israeli mass killing of its women and children by halting all weapon sales to Israel.

For anyone to assume that she is a shoo-in, it’s a tall order by any stretch of the imagination. Especially, given the U.S. commitment to the colonization of Palestine.

It is our opinion that voters who feel strongly about the destruction of life in Gaza do not care much if Donald Trump becomes President again. Why? Because they see no difference between him and Harris when it comes to the U.S. conduct of foreign policy.

As long as she [Kamala Harris] does not satisfy the voters in the swing states by declaring her position on Gaza clearly, and beyond the immoral sound bites that AIPAC usually feeds her, Harris has an uphill battle on her hands.


Except for once calling for a six-week ceasefire in Gaza, which is considered a cruel joke among Arab-American and Muslim voters, she has remained silent on the subject. In fact, Biden’s White House is directing her to water down all her remarks on Gaza.

Joe Biden, even on his deathbed, remains committed to his genocidal and racist form. We cannot wait for January 21, 2025, to see him hauled to a hospice.

For any pundit, or election strategist to assume that Kamala Harris will beat Donald Trump is prematurely infantile. As long as she does not satisfy the voters in the swing states by declaring her position on Gaza clearly, and beyond the immoral sound bites that AIPAC usually feeds her, Harris has an uphill battle on her hands. Her election is as secure as a tin submarine diving for the Marianna Trench.

It’s not really that complicated, Kamala, either the White House or the has-been house.


Some, in our opinion, believe that if Trump intends to blow up what he calls the “Depp State” and the control our intelligence community has on all policy matters, then it’s not really that bad of a thing. Our country needs a shakeup of some sort because its compass has gone berserk ever since Ronald Reagan became President.

Trump may not be that bad for the country if it means arm-wrestling our institutions for a course correction domestically and internationally. In fact, Trump’s racism and admiration of Vladimir Putin may play a positive role in curbing Israeli terror. For those who care about the wars the U.S. is waging in the Middle East to protect Israel, Trump may shake things up enough for the U.S. to slow down on its path of destructive policies.

In short, unless Kamala Harris formulates her foreign policy around the premise that she intends to halt weapon sales to Israel, she might as well forget the swing states mentioned above, as well as Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

Gen Z, Arab-Americans, Muslim-Americans, and the good people at Jewish Voices for Peace, 972+ Magazine, and a myriad of other peaceful, anti-Zionist Jewish organizations are willing to withhold their votes for Harris.

It’s not really that complicated, Kamala, either the White House or the has-been house.

Harris Uphill Election Battle

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