Hezbollah Destroyed the Myth of Israeli Invincibility

Hezbollah Destroyed the Myth of Israeli Invincibility
Hezbollah destroyed an Israeli iron dome battery. Hezbollah Destroyed the Myth of Israeli Invincibility.

Not in a million years, those arrogant Zionists in Israel could have imagined that Hezbollah could just waltz in over their skies to film and chronicle their most sensitive military and economic installations. Many of which, one day, will become easy targets if Israel made the mistake again and invaded Lebanon. To say that Hezbollah destroyed the myth of Israeli invincibility and had the war criminals, Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, pee in their pants standing, is an understatement.

After watching the Hezbollah drone dance over their skies, our sense is that Benjamin Netanyahu, Bezalel Smotrich, and Itamar Ben-Gvir all had a fist fight in the middle of the night.

Each blaming the other for another infiltration into Israel that this time around they could not accuse falsely of beheading non-existent Zionist babies.

In all honesty, we think the United States should thank Hezbollah for saving its armed services from slaughter when Israel attacks blindly.


It is almost a guarantee that the United States is pouring all its resources, as we write this article, to figure out how Hezbollah has been able to penetrate the air defenses of Israel. One, which, days earlier, destroyed one of the Iron Dome batteries in the North of the country.

Both in Israel and the U.S., strategists are asking: What is Hezbollah hiding from us that would surprise us when Israel attacks Lebanon. Sooner or later, Israel will attack Lebanon again to facilitate the early stages of settling the country.

As long as both countries are in the dark, Lebanon is safe from the Israeli terror.

No matter how implausible it may look to Israel, it is almost a certainty that Hezbollah has one or two top secret weapons the Iranian developed, and which might win Hezbollah a war. Most likely developed to bring fire and brimstone to the doorsteps of the terrorists in Israel. For them, the unknown is scarier than the known. The Zionists never enter a battle they could not win. As witnessed by their fish-in-a-barrel mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza.

Hezbollah is a challenge Israel would never know if it can defeat. That deterrence factor will keep the likes of Netanyahu and his criminality at bay. In all honesty, we think the United States should thank Hezbollah for saving its armed services from slaughter when Israel attacks blindly.

Never forget that the U.S. lost its best fighting soldiers in Iraq, who went in there on behalf of Israel to chase ghost WMD Israel invented. Just like its 40 beheaded babies.

Hezbollah Destroyed the Myth of Israeli Invincibility

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