How Iran Turned the Table on Israel

How Iran Turned the Table on Israel
How Iran Turned the Table on Israel

For those following the events in the Middle East, there is a new twist in the war Israel is waging on Iran and its proxies that is worthy of a Machiavellian mention. While the world sleeps, Iran, in its infinite and cunning wisdom, raised the bar by instituting that unless Israel halted its assault on Gaza, it will definitely strike the country. In retaliation for killing a Hezbollah high official, Nabil Shokr, followed by the daring murder of Ismael Haniyeh in Tehran. In one smart move, Iran turned the table on Israel and forced it to make a decision to save itself, instead of continuing to kill civilians in Gaza.

Israel, all along, believed its chessboard was on the offense taking out pieces here and there, until Iran checkmated Netanyahu with its latest move. Israel has a choice now between what looks like a big Iranian and Hezbollah attack, probably backed by Iranian proxy groups in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen, or stand down on Gaza. The war criminal Netanyahu has been adamant about finishing off Hamas in Gaza before ending his genocide.

In the meantime, no one knows, through intelligence or public knowledge, on when Iran is going to strike Israel. For those who are familiar with military readiness, this untenable position when the U.S. commits a big flotilla to one corner of the world to protect Israel, and Israeli constant monitoring, is taxing on both militaries.

In other words, it is an added pressure point on the U.S. and Israel to finalize a ceasefire in Gaza.

Iran will keep everyone guessing on when it might strike Israel, which will freeze both the U.S. and Israel in an expensive and unsustainable defensive posture.


Believe it, or not, the only unpredictable factor in this equation is Joe Biden. While publicly, the U.S. and some countries in Europe are calling on Iran to stand down with regard to its attack, what does Joe Biden do? He signs off on a $20billion arms sale to Israel. Talk about bad timing, and bad optics.

If that old man really wanted to end the war on Gaza, he could have waited to conclude a ceasefire deal before he stoked the fires of war even more. We truly believe that Joe Biden has lost his mind. The man is utterly incapable of making sound decisions to help the U.S. appease the situation in the region. Instead, he puffs on the embers of a war that should have ended long ago.

As we said it before, he is going to blow the Harris/Walz ticket out of the water to benefit directly Donald Trump. Watch him make mistakes that will boggle our minds.

What will Netanyahu do? We expect that war criminal to refuse a deal with Iran or halt his assault on Gaza. And we expect Joe Biden to go along because he is a spineless President.

In return, Iran will keep everyone guessing on when it might strike Israel, which will freeze both the U.S. and Israel in an expensive and unsustainable defensive posture.

How Iran Turned the Table on Israel

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