How Little Biden Cares About His Country

How Little Biden Cares About His Country
How Little Biden Cares About His Country

No matter how many speeches or news conferences that Joe Biden stages or attends, his Parkinson genie is out of the box. He is unable to convince the majority of Americans, the Democratic elites, or his own staff how precariously dangerous he is coming to bring Donald Trump back to power. This very old man is so old, he no longer is capable of reasoning soundly or computing logically the odds of losing in November. His ill-advised and defiant attitude not to yield his candidacy to Kamala Harris shows just how little Biden cares about his country and its people.

What Americans are witnessing today is the real Joe Biden: Selfish, manipulative, and so hungry for power, he has tossed his patriotism aside like a dirt rag. Many of us would think his stubbornness is hard to grasp, but for Biden, this is normalcy in a world of “shark eats shark”.

What surprises us the most is his nonchalant frame of mind when it comes to what best for the American people. The more he resists stepping aside, the more the public sees how unfit he is to become President, which has nothing to do with his illnesses, and everything to do with his selfishness.

Authoritatively speaking, Joe Biden cares about the American voter as much as he cares about the Palestinians he indirectly killed in Gaza with his bombs. That’s how bad this man truly is.

The only ray of hope is that as a woman, Kamala Harris would see to it to contain violence rather than spread it as Joe Biden did.


No one should make the mistake of taking the sideline on who is best to run against Donald Trump, or worse, defending Joe Biden to continue on this road leading to nowhere. As one of his campaign insiders said: “He needs to drop out. He will never recover from this.

Another insider within his own campaign was even more poignant. They said: “No one involved in the effort thinks he has a path.

That’s his own loyal staff, folks.

The worst is Joe Biden thinking he can outrun Parkinson, even though nobody sees how he could govern another almost five years carrying that burden on his shoulders. In fact, we believe, he is hoping he can do that from his deathbed. Talk about selfish and egoistical behavior.

Democrats should come together to pressure Biden to abandon the race in favor of Kamala Harris, whose chances are far better at defeating Donald Trump. Will Harris be better than Biden on foreign policy? We doubt it. The Zionists billionaires would not have accepted her candidacy if she did not submit to Zionism too.

The only ray of hope is that as a woman, she would see to it to contain violence rather than spread it as Joe Biden did.

Like we said, a ray of hope.

How Little Biden Cares About His Country

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