How Many Republicans Will Claim Rigged Elections in 2022?

How Many Republicans Will Claim Rigged Elections in 2022

Although this is the year 2021, blink an eye and 2022 comes racing around the corner. On November 2022, we shall have a mid-term election. Therefore, it is fair to ask the question, given the Senate is refusing to impeach Donald Trump, how many Republicans will claim rigged elections should they lose? If Donald Trump walks away with his lies with total impunity, we should expect that 2022 may resemble the end of 2020. No matter how they lose, some Republicans are going to claim fraudulent elections. Please don’t hold your breath for anything less if Trump goes unpunished.

The demographics in America are changing. Baby boomers are dying off and Millennials have dethroned them during the 2020 elections as the largest voting bloc. Add the component of grassroots movements challenging voter suppression against black communities, and the mix is producing more multiculturalism and more diversity than America has ever experienced before. Who would have thought Congress would welcome Muslim elected representatives some 18 years after 9/11? That’s what makes this nation and the American experience so unique. It’s an imperfect utopian journey to shatter any other dystopian nation.

But the Republican Party of Georgia, instead of recognizing the new demographic trends and charting a future of inclusion, it chose instead to double down on voter suppression, which has become their par excellence cottage industry spewing poison and hate.


Georgia, which boasted a solid red status prior to 2020, delivered a humiliating defeat to Donald Trump. Thanks mostly to new rules allowing mail-in ballots and people-driven anti-voter suppression measures to insure every voter has equal rights to cast their votes. The result is that Georgia has turned blue. It delivered a stunning win for President Joe Biden and by electing two Democratic Senators, it solidified its blue stature. In fact, the Georgia elections results flabbergasted political analysts to put it mildly.

But the Republican Party of Georgia, instead of recognizing the new demographic trends and charting a future of inclusion, it chose instead to doube down on voter suppression, which has become their par excellence cottage industry spewing poison and hate. You see, every two years, Republicans in the State of Georgia find more and more ways to prevent black people from voting. Why would they do it, you ask? Well, the obvious reason is to win an election, but the more sinister reason is that they don’t believe, deep down, that any African Americans deserve to cast a vote. If they had their way, these church-going Georgians would rather lynch than suppress black voters. Straight out of “Gone with the Wind” movie set.

If they are [Republicans] still suppressing votes, it means they will still try to kill our democracy rather than share power.


The core problem facing this country today is two-sided. One problem is that the system has been hijacked by the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor, which is driving us to an abyss as we witness the divisions and the anger boil over. The second is that the people in power are refusing to share it with the exploding minorities in this country. Voter suppression is one way to express that willful outrage to exclude others. Failing in both, the white power is calling our elections rigged and they are OK with installing a dictator. If they are still suppressing votes, it means they will still try to kill our democracy rather than share power.

The HR-1 bill before the Senate, if passed, might negate some of these wily local State maneuvers to annul the rights of the minorities across this nation. And it’s about time. Unless we recognize that the whole system remains tilted against black people, America will never find its compass of justice. From fair elections, to police brutality, to a biased justice system, the work ahead is daunting. But with every year, things are getting better thanks to millions of good Americans who recognize a wrong when they see one.

As James Angleton of the CIA said to an Italian emigre addressing non-Anglo-Saxons: “You all are just visitors here”. That mindset remains the most prevalent among the Jim Jordans, the Kevin McCarthys, and the Mitch McConnells of today.

They would rather destroy the country than share it.

How Many Republicans Will Claim Rigged Elections in 2022?

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