Israel Has Been Damaged Beyond Repair

Israel Has Been Damaged Beyond Repair
Israel Has Been Damaged Beyond Repair

The Netanyahu government has chosen to commit genocide in Gaza, and in doing so, Israel has been damaged beyond repair. Between the ICJ ordering the country to immediately halt its operations in Rafah, and an Israeli reservist promising mutiny against the Israeli military should it refuse to ethnically cleanse Gaza, the country is hanging by a thread. Not to speak of Israel engaged in the starvation of babies the world over has become witness to.

It’s a combination of international awakening to Israeli terror against the Palestinians, and the dangerous extremism that has taken hold of the society, which will lead to more international scrutiny and condemnation.

Israel indoctrinated its soldiers and its citizens to dehumanize the Palestinian people, and the country is paying a dear price for that indoctrination. From the outside, Israel appears to have become an unhinged society on the verge of self-implosion.

Israel is a European settler colonizing entity, and the Palestinians are the indigenous victims of that brute colonization.


Israel has been getting away washing its sins using the Zionist control of the media in the United States, as well as AIPAC’s oversized influence over our politicians who are too happy to sell their souls for few quids.

But today, the world has seen the contrast between what Israel claims to be the truth, and the truth itself the country has exposed during its Gaza Genocide. Invariably, there is no mistaking what Israel stands for, as a vicious system of apartheid and a robust killing machine, and its repeated mottos that make people puke out of disgust.

Hidden between its layers of lies is one fact that billions of people fully understand today: Israel is a European settler colonizing entity, and the Palestinians are the indigenous victims of that brute colonization.

What the Bible says or does not say is utterly inconsequential to the discussion.

Therefore, there is no turning back to the old lies that drowned the airwaves to justify Israel’s violence. For every excuse Israel has manufactured into a sound bite, there are thousands of speeches, facts, videos, and testimonies to lay siege to its lies.

Gaza, really, is a turning point for the existence of Zionism. Netanyahu has destroyed Zionism because of his prolonged war of terror on the innocent and the defenseless. Now, watch the chicken come home to roost, ever so slowly.

There is no force on earth that will stop some Israelis from openly trying to ethnically cleanse Gaza.


The world is still absorbing the shocking face of extremism and violence as perpetrated by the Netanyahu government. Then, his spoiled and rotten son Yair Netanyahu who spends his time on a Miami Beach, while his countrymen are fighting, retweeted that reservist message of mutiny.

Most likely without thinking, and in support of the policies of his genocidal father.

But what Yair unleashed was more than a simple retweet. That idiot showed the world how divided the country has become with so many layers of extremism, all holding tight to their ideological dangerous expectations. There is no force on earth that will stop some Israelis from openly trying to ethnically cleanse Gaza, as there are as many Israelis who are fighting for peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians.

There is no society on earth that can mend those two extreme firmaments into a cohesive and united country. Eventually, they will turn their guns on each other. Eventually, either Israel ceases to exist, or the world will unite to dismantle Zionism by forcing Israel to coexist with the Palestinians.

The truth is out, and it does not look like Zionism is going to survive the atrocities it has committed and continues to commit in spite of the ICJ orders.

Israel Has Been Damaged Beyond Repair

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