Israel Nonstop Massacring of Civilians

Israel Nonstop Massacring of Civilians
Israel Nonstop Massacring of Civilians

Once again, we write about the continued massacre of women and children in Gaza that has been ongoing for 10 months. And once again, Genocide Joe, who lost all abilities to think clearly, is at the center of the latest Israel atrocities, and fully complicit in these murders. On the same day Israel massacred 100 Palestinians sheltering in a school, the genocidal maniac Joe Biden releases more weapons to Israel. $3.5 billions worth. The Israel nonstop massacring of civilians can only be halted when Arabs in surrounding countries massacre as many Zionists in Israel.

This is the lesson the Arab and Muslim world is beginning to consider as the only solution because accountability, under Genocide Joe, is non-existent. Only the axis of resistance can extract the kinds of concessions for the Netanyahu regime to stop its terror.

No diplomacy, no new U.S. administration, and no new cadre of cabinet members will ever stop this new Israel the world is witnessing from unleashing its bombs on hospitals and schools in Gaza.

An eye for an eye, and a sword for a sword, is the only language the Zionists in Israel understand. This is the only accountability mechanism available to save the civilians in Gaza from total annihilation.

For the U.S., mass murdering tens of thousands of Palestinians is a small price to pay to warn China not to trespass unto the Middle East.


It is becoming quite obvious to the international community that the United States is not going to stop arming Israel until all the Palestinians in Gaza are dead. That is the end goal of both Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu.

Our idiot President has yet to grasp that Netanyahu is doing everything he can to make the Democrats lose the elections in November to usher his more idiotic friend Donald Trumpo into the White House. Gaza is where Netanyahu showcases how helpless and weak the Democrats have become. Yet, Joe Biden, who really has lost all abilities to think clearly, remains onboard. That old man remains Netanyahu’s doormat, and we hope historians will highlight that part of Biden’s history well.

The Genocide against the Palestinians will not stop. All that ceasefire talks spin one reads about in the complicit U.S. media aims to appease swing voters in the U.S. to help Kamala Harris replace Biden. If she wins that election, she will probably continue in the same tradition because the ethnic cleansing of Gaza is as much a U.S. plan as it is an Israeli.

Let us cross no fingers, and let us abandon all hope for a solution in Gaza. Gaza is a microcosm of new Nazi-like policies whose aim is to keep American global supremacy intact in the face of China’s challenge and rise. If the United States is to sacrifice tens of thousands of Palestinians in the process, so be it. The Soviet Union, under Joseph Stalin — another genocidal Joseph — murdered 20 million of its own citizens.

For the U.S., mass murdering tens of thousands of Palestinians is a small price to pay to warn China not to trespass unto the Middle East.

Israel Nonstop Massacring of Civilians

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