Israelis Are Running Scared

Israelis Are Running Scared
Israelis Are Running Scared

Between Hezbollah firing on 1/10th of its pistons as it attacks the north of Israel, and the Houthis dropping a missile, or a drone, Israelis are running scared for the first time in Israel’s existence. Never before has Israel experienced such dense aerial attacks on its soil, not even during the 1973 Yom Kipur war when most of the fighting occurred on the perimeters of its post 1967 borders, mainly in the Sinai and the Golan Heights.

It is not unrealistic to state that the two Iranian proxies are exacting a heavy psychological toll on the Israelis, which the world never hears about because the IDF immediately censors such stories by its media.

In the north, many settlements have been abandoned, and as Hezbollah pushes its attacks further south, many more will become ghost towns in the near future. Where are the settlers going? Mostly back to their native countries in the U.S. and Europe. Many thousands will never return again. As we said, the psychological toll is unsparing to all of Israel.

This one-way exodus of Zionists from lands they claim their own is telling of their attachment to something they stole in the first place from the Palestinians. If it’s not yours to start with, the choice of emigrating becomes much easier to make.

Not only because of the ICJ ruling or the Iranian threat, but because the world has turned against Israel.


Before Gaza, Israel had many friends around the world (This author included). A number of countries, other than the Western world, gave Israel one free pass after another because they all felt compelled to help people who experienced the Holocaust to control their own destiny.

After Gaza, however, things are not the same. The savagery of Israel in broad daylight has completely turned the empathy of the world on its head. For the first time, billions of people saw the real Israel hiding behind the shadows of its Hasbara, and have decided that this country should really not exist in its 21st century form and under the leadership of a genocidal government.

Furthermore, if you account for the BDS Movement gaining momentum, it is not hard to predict that the future of the Israeli society will either have to adapt to living with the Palestinians in peace, or collapse and die. Israel cannot possibly survive after Gaza. Not only because of the ICJ ruling or the Iranian threat, but because the world has turned against Israel, and the Israelis are too slow to realize the consequences.

This drastic turnaround, from friend to foe, will take time to metastasize into a formidable economic boycott the likes of which no small country, like Israel, can ever survive. Already the inflation in Israel is creeping up due mostly to the Houthis blocking the merchant routes to its ports.

But do not tell this to Netanyahu or the Zionists in Washington running Israel into the ground. Their blindness will be their undoing.

Israelis Are Running Scared

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